MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard
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MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard  

Active Member
MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

I've had my MK3S for a few years. Recently it started generating this "some problem encountered z-leveling enforced" and running into the top stop on the Z axis. Latest firmware 3.14.1-8237 installed. It printed one print properly then errored again. I've tried to run the calibration wizard again but now it won't complete: (1_75mm_MK3S, EINSy_10a, E3Dv6full)

Sometimes the wizard does: Fan test hot end and print fan OK

Then, Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error  Z

I found my assembly instructions, but I can't find a "handbook". A google search suggested the Pinda, but mostly on Mk2? My Pinda LED is on and goes out when I place a metal object near it, for whatever that's worth.

Posted : 30/12/2024 3:20 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

Hi Tim 
does the Pinda setting display on the LCD Sensors menu, change values, in line with the led on the pinda?

the Mk3S+ Pinda has three wires. +5volt, Ground and Signal.  Other Mk3 series  Pinda's have 4 wires  the 4th wire is a thermistor
If the signal wire is faulty, the Red led will still change stat when metal is near the tip of the pinda but the signal will not be seen by the Rambo controller
the Pinda wires may have suffered stress fractures from repeated movement,

when this happened to me,  I repaired the Pinda wire like this 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 30/12/2024 9:56 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for the info Joan! I have the MK3S with the 4-wire pinda cable.

Re: does the Pinda setting display on the LCD Sensors menu, change values, in line with the led on the pinda?

I can't find this setting. My display shows "selftest failed" on the lowest line. The only menu item I could find relating to Pinda was ">Calibration>PINDA cal." When I select that it says "Please run XYZ calibration first". When I try to run XYZ calibration, it moves the X-carriage to the top, gets to the point where I put a piece of paper on the bed; the X-carriage comes down about 1 cm and gives "Calibration failed. Check the axes and run again". The only other thing I can find is ">Settings>PINDA cal.", which is [off]. I changed it to [on] temporarily as a test but there was no change.

I'll try to solder in new wires for the PINDA & see if that solves it.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Tim
Posted : 30/12/2024 4:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

Update: I've replaced the 4 wires from 1" from the carriage all the way to 1" from the connector inside the Einsy Box. Everything seems the same as before. PINDA light is on and goes out when a metal object is placed nearby.

Tried to run the wizard: checks both fans (OK) then moves the carriage up about 1 cm. Then stops and gives:

Selftest error!

Please check:


Wiring error               Z

It says to check the handbook and fix the problem, but I can't find any handbook that I received, or anything on the Prusa site.

I could change to the SuperPINDA, but it does seem strange that the wizard generates an error before the carriage ever gets near the platter.

When I try to calibrate XYZ, it homes X & Y, then moves the carriage to the top, comes down ~1 cm & says calibration failed. check the axes and run again.

Posted : 30/12/2024 9:01 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

Could this be the handbook?


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 31/12/2024 12:05 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

Thanks for that handbook link @joantabb :

On p 46, I found: 8.8 Sensor Info. I think that's what you were meaning in your "Sensors menu" question in your 1st post, which I could not find before. The correct path seems to be >Support>Sensor Info, which displays the PINDA and Fil. sensor status. Checking the PINDA sensor that way:

Initially, PINDA was reading 1 all the time on the display, whether a metal object was close by the sensor or not, even though the red light on the sensor was going on and off appropriately to the metal object. The Fil. sensor was reading correctly as 1, filament loaded. Filament removed to test Fil. sensor. The Fil. sensor then displayed 0, as it should. Oddly, the PINDA sensor then started reading correctly, starting at 0 and going to 1 when the metal object approached. I then reloaded the filament - the Fil. sensor worked correctly, but now the PINDA sensor seemed to be working as well, going to 1 whenever the PINDA light went off when I placed a metal object nearby!

However, I ran the wizard twice and it hung in different places in the algorithm, and the PINDA sensor is back to reading 1 all the time, so I suspect my PINDA or the wiring is toast and working intermittently. I'm planning to order a new SuperPINDA, as well as a tube of lube for my sliders as I didn't get one originally and I see this in the manual. I assume I want the white 5 g tube labelled PRUSA since that seems to be referenced in the manual. Is there anything else you'd recommend I get with the order, while I'm doing the shipping?

Does anyone know if PRUSA has shipping options to pre-pay the GST (Canadian taxes)? It's only 15%, but some of the couriers charge a $55 collection fee (on 4$ worth of taxes) which could make this PINDA pretty dear when all is said and done.

++ Thanks

Posted : 31/12/2024 4:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

try printed solid in the USA, they may have better terms... 
or consider using ebay, that's where  got my last Pinda from... 
the grease is white lithium grease, again ebay may be more cost effective. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 31/12/2024 10:16 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

Success! Following up on this thread: Printed Solid does not ship to Canada; ebay reviews suggested that the PINDA's on ebay were of lesser quality so I get a genuine PRUSA PINDA.

After installation, the printer is working again. I'm still working on optimising the Z displacements for my textured sheet to achieve high quality 1st layers, as something seems to be different (The PINDA may not be at exactly the same height on the carriage as well.) But I am printing again!

Thanks for your help @joantabb and hopefully this thread will help someone else in the future. 🙂

Posted : 13/01/2025 7:43 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK3S: "Selftest error! Please check Endstops wiring error z" on wizard

excelent news Tim,
the lase Pinda that I Bought was for use on the MMU3, The original MMU2 finda Died, a replacement pinda used as a finda died (both suffered twisting of the wire immediately above the body of the sensor (just where you pit the loop on the wire, when it's used as a Pinda)),  so the Ebay Pinda was an improvement because it had an integral strain relief...   and It's still working... 

Happy printing. 


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 13/01/2025 8:31 pm