MK3S Hot end loose on fin-stack. ABS filament completely jammed.
I was printing face shields in ABS in enclosure. On my fifth single print the print stopped near completion (honeycomb on top barely visible). All attempts to unload filament failed. Bondtech gear grinds on filament. Opened the gear door and tried to pull the filament out by hand with nozzle heated but it doesn't budge. Started dissembling extruder and discovered that the hot-end cartridge wiggles on the end of the fin-stack. Is that normal?
I did have a failed print the night before that was pretty catastrophic. System was indicating a fan error when I found it. It failed Y axis in self-test. All seemed ok after cleaning everything up and re-tightened Y-axis belt and checked various other screws and tensions. I printed at least one more shield successfully and it failed on the next. I can still get the hot-end up to 220 ABS temp and I can wipe melted ABS from the tip, but can't budge the filament from the top. I removed the nozzle tip and that didn't help. I'm reluctant to push anything into the hot-end at this point. I can rotate the fin-stack with my fingers and the hot-end remains in place as does the filament at the top.
I'm beginning to think I had a collision that knocked the hot-end loose so that it's not correctly coupling heat back up into the extruder and now the upper part of the extruder is full of solid ABS, although I was able to print successfully for most of the day after that event. In the photo I'm touching the loose heat block with the key wrench to be clear which component I'm talking about. I was planning to continue disassembling to remove and examine the whole extruder assembly and hot-end but thought I'd run it by the forum first since it looks like I'd have to disassemble the whole X-axis.
RE: MK3S Hot end loose on fin-stack. ABS filament completely jammed.
Got it! Discovered that the hot-end block is threaded onto the fin-stack. Once I tightened that up and reheated I was able to pull the filament out.