I understand safety precautions. However, I don't understand why the printer is set up so that it has to be restarted and I lost printing at 18 hours !!! Now that I'm afraid to ventilate at home while printing ...
how did the printer get cold enough to give a Mintemp report if it was printing?
or did a thermistor fail?
Regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
I have four Prusas with about 1000 hours on them and I'm starting to see this error sproradically. Since it is random I suspect an intermittent bad connection on the thermistor wires, just haven't got around to checking it yet. I agree with roman-8 however that the way this error is being handled by the code is pretty misguided. A Prusa can recover a print from a power outage but we lose the print when one of these min temp errors requires a reset? The code needs to be changed so that the print can be recovered after the reset, just as with power loss.