Knocking sounds while printing
Hello, I recently finished building a Prusa i3 MK3S+ and so far it’s printing really well. While printing however there’s a repetitive knocking sound, like some kind of traditional chant. This happens in particular when printing the diagonal fill lines. I’m attaching a video showing this behavior. Does anyone know what causes this and how it can be fixed?
Embeded video doesn't work but the link does
Something seems to be wrong with the attached video, but the oddly named link on the top (FullSizeRender) works 🙂
This is annoying
The slight knock on direction change is normal.
You can try using stealth mode.
If that's not enough go to Printer Settings > Machine limits Where you can set acceleration and jerk limits.
Thank you. The knocking is not only on direction change, it happens also on straight motion when the machine makes diagonal lines. A second noise I was wondering about is a woosh when the Y axis moves slightly faster. The X axis doesn't make such a noise and I was wondering if this has to do with the belt tension or some rotating part that might be slightly touching a stationary part.
think its okay
it's normal. always wondered why my mk3s is riding a horse 😀 when printing. think it has something to do how the steppers are powered or something. i use dry bearings so, it's not your bearings at least.