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Huge misprint: Please help a noobie  

New Member
Huge misprint: Please help a noobie

Hey I was gone for a few days and although one started print looked really good when leaving (about 50% done) it failed miserable.

Is this print head savable and when yes: What is the best cleaning method?

Full damage:

After removing most PLA:

Posted : 26/07/2022 3:26 pm
Bad Raven
Eminent Member
RE: Huge misprint: Please help a noobie

It depends how long you want to be "off air", maybe to find out late that its not reuseable and THEN have to wait for parts.

My recommendation would be to buy a replacement hot end assembly. I bought from a "local" UK supplier after I had a jammed nozzle I could not free. In my case (Mk3) the hot end assembly did NOT include the PTFE tube. Just as well I checked before ordering!

THEN once you have the old one out of the carriage body you can properly and at your leisure assess/clear up the mess.  Chip it away cold or heat it up and wipe the excess off (care: BURNS!). A spell in the freezer will help to break the bond to the metal parts.

The weakest parts are the heat insulated fine vulnerable thermistor wires, be VERY careful around these, and to use it again the insulation needs to be good.

Its likely repairable once fully dismantled, given care and time, and can then become a spare.

Its not good leaving a printer totally unmonitored at all, let alone for days as your wording states. You MIGHT have had a fire, it COULD have been serious!



Posted : 26/07/2022 6:20 pm
herget liked
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Huge misprint: Please help a noobie

Thanks for the tips! I definitely learned a lesson here in safety and much more.

I investigated some more and found that the cables shields are badly damaged. So the risk of a short is way to high to repair. Already ordered a new hot end and will assembly after my vacation!

Posted : 26/07/2022 6:46 pm
Famed Member
RE: Huge misprint: Please help a noobie

Those usually look much worse than they are.  It looks like your Pinda is untouched.

If the thermistor and heater wires are not physically broken, it can most likely be repaired, but since you ordered a new hot end, that's kinda moot.  You can clean up this one and keep it as a spare.

Usually heating up the hot end and letting the blob soften is enough to be able to carefully remove it.

I keep a 'crash kit' of various items, and that includes a complete hot end.  I also have pre-printed spare extruder parts in the event I get the Blob Of Doom and/or some kind of a meltdown.

Posted : 26/07/2022 10:33 pm