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How to start a print using SD file thru RPI port (serial)
Hi all,
My Einsy RPI port is linked to an arduino (TX and RX).
I tried to send some simple gcode like
Serial.println("M104 S210 T0"); it work to pre heat extruder
Serial.println("M300 S440 P200"); it work to beep some sound
however, how do i send a gcode to select a SD file and start the print ?
I have tried
Serial.println("M23 one.gcode");
The LCD show file is selected, but nothing is moving. Is there any other cmd i need to start a SD card print ?
Posted : 27/09/2019 1:45 pm
RE: How to start a print using SD file thru RPI port (serial)
I've not done this, so only seeing other options that you might have already found:
M32 ; Select file and start SD print
Posted : 28/09/2019 6:46 pm