How long will the pause last when filament runs out? How long does the Pause command itself last?
I typically do long over night runs and try to have enough filament to last the night but if anyone knows the answers it would be a big help. I've looked at all the commands as well as articles - maybe there is one that answers this but I haven't found it.
My environment: Prusa I3Mk3S+, typically run PETG and sometimes PLA, typically print with brims that I tape down in case of a power outage.
1. When filament runs out, how long will the printer pause before there is some timeout?
2. During a normal live filament change, the bed temp and nozzle temp drop. Is there a way of preventing this? If there is no brim I can lose the print with a bed temp loss (more so with PLA than PETG) so I do a hot switch; i.e. feed the new reel by hand on top of the end of the old reel so the filament sensor does not trigger. Is there a better solution?
3. Re the Pause / Resume commands - when I do a Pause command to attend to something how long will it last before there is a timeout?
4. During the Pause can I maintain the bed temp and / or the nozzle temp?
Thank you,
RE: How long will the pause last when filament runs out? How long does the Pause command itself last?
I use OctoPrint so things are a little different but when you hit Pause or runout is detected, only your custom GCode is executed so you can do anything you like with nozzle position, temperature etc.
There are plugin to set bed/nozzle temperature timeouts.
"so I do a hot switch; i.e. feed the new reel by hand on top of the end of the old reel so the filament sensor does not trigger. Is there a better solution?" I do the same but without the sensor (it serves no purpose with your method). I just hit Pause on OctoPrint, pull out the filament from the extruder, insert the filament from the new reel and give the filament a push by hand. The ideal solution would be to do a prime line after a filament swap which in theory you could do if you were proficient in GCode.
RE: How long will the pause last when filament runs out? How long does the Pause command itself last?
Thanks for your reply. I've got OctoPrint but mainly use it for remote viewing of the printing. When you say 'Custom G-Code' do you mean the G-Code produced by PrusaSlicer / Cura or some custom G-Code introduced by OctoPrint.
BTW I just did some Pause Print and noticed that it did retain the bed temp, but the nozzle temp immediately started dropping. I still think this information belongs in the Prusa manual.
RE: How long will the pause last when filament runs out? How long does the Pause command itself last?
I meant G-Code introduced by OctoPrint. For example my GCode in the GCode scripts/Pause section is
{% if pause_position.x is not none %}
G91 ; relative XYZ
M83 ; relative E
G1 Z+50 E-5 F4500 ; retract filament, move Z slightly up
M82 ; absolute E
G90 ; absolute XYZ
G1 X0 Y0 ; move to a safe rest position
{% endif %}