Firmware update issue: avrdude has no access to COM port
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Firmware update issue: avrdude has no access to COM port  

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Active Member
RE: Firmware update issue: avrdude has no access to COM port

Just had the same Issue on Win 11, and for me the following steps solved it:

  1. Open Device Manager
  2. Expand the Menu on "Ports (COM & LPT)"
  3. Double-click "Original Prusa i3 MKS (COM..)
  4. Go to tab "Driver" and choose "Uninstall Device"
  5. In the pop-up box make sure to check "Try to remove drivers" and click "ok"
  6. In the menu of the Device Manager, click on "Acton", then choose "Scan for hardware changes", your Printer Driver will now be reinstalled new
  7. Go back to Prusa Slicer and Flash your Firmware



e.g. John


Publié : 10/06/2023 11:47 am
Ján Pastucha
RE: Firmware update issue: avrdude has no access to COM port

great thanks, it helped! I changed the port from 3 to 20 and the firmware loaded correctly.


Thank a lot!!! SK-Jan

Publié : 12/10/2023 7:42 pm
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