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Difficulties extruding nylon  

Dave Hurt
Active Member
Difficulties extruding nylon

I'm having some difficulties getting nylon filaments to print consistently. I've narrowed it down to the extruder gears not grabbing the filament. I can try to print and watch as the filament doesn't move, but I can see the stepper spin. If I push the filament by hand, it prints just fine. I have played with the tension screws on the gears, I tightened it down but it doesn't seem to help much. Has anyone else run into a similar issue before? I can print pla, abs, and petg with no issue. I'm seeing this on 2 different types of nylon, one taulman and the other nylon x. I appreciate any suggestions!

Posted : 04/10/2018 3:36 am
Peter in Katy
Estimable Member
Re: Difficulties extruding nylon

I'm not sure if you haven't been able to print since trying nylon, or if it's just nylon that fails.

If it's failed on nylon and you haven't tried other filaments since, check the grub screws on the extruder shaft.
The shaft may be turning, but the gear not so much.

If you fail nylon, load pla and it prints fine... I don't know. That's a new one. Hopefully it's just a coincidence that the grub screws backed out as you loaded nylon.

Posted : 04/10/2018 3:55 pm