Constant extrusion while Heating -> messy print
I start to print and everything gets warmed up.
As soon as the temperature is right, 9-point-leveling starts.
Then printing starts.
o.k. and here is my problem: after a certain temperature has been reached, filament starts to extrude. Not very much but somehow constant. This filament is "pushed around" during the calibration process and most likely lands on the opject which is currently beeing printed; and messes up this print 🙁 Normally I then have to stop the print and start again.
How can I avoid this from happening?
What I am using:
- Prusa I3 MK3 (...)
- Slic3r PE
- PETG from dasFilament (I created a profile with reduced temp of 220 to prevent stringing)
What I do currently to prevent this from happening:
- Try to pre-heat and let it leak for minutes, than clean the hot nozzle and give it a try
Re: Constant extrusion while Heating -> messy print
Just printed this
about a 10 hour print
Printed quite well PETG some spider weeping on the inside but a quick blast from the heat gun cleared that; almost 10 hour print time Prusa MK3 Will test when we get first ice storm but as I live in Maine that should not take long. only 2 (180 deg separated) of the exterior tiny ribs printed properly the rest had the attachment strength of a support structure. could be an artifact of slic3r-pe
this is a snap (sorry about the focus) of the nozzle area after the print
the mess was removed by preheating to 235 and brushing firmly with a soft brass brush so it looks like this ready for the next print.
this is a e3d tin coated copper nozzle and I do this before and after each long print (more than an hour)
1 preheat to PETG temps
select load filament and confirm the a single strand is extruded straight down when it finishes hit yes and pluck the extrude off
2 select print from SD card and wait for it to finish and remove print and once more go through the cleaning of the nozzle area (I do this before the first print of the day to insure the nozzle area if fully clean
using the Pretty PTEG V3 Slic3r-pe 1.41.1config from chris I hav been tweaking some of the settings to try to reduce the spiderwebbing that I think are causing the mess you can see above but no luck yet and as long as I start each print with the hot end squeaky clean prints up to 10 hours in length finish ok... would love to stop the mess building up from the spiderwebbing but I have not found it yet