Can't screw nozzle back in
Hello! I've done a nozzle change in the past, and that turned out fine. However, I recently tried to do a second nozzle change from s 0.4mm, and now my nozzle won't screw in completely any more. As in, there's about 1 cm sticking out before I am unable to screw in further. I heated to 285 degrees when doing each change. I also can't put in the original 0.4mm nozzle which used to be fine. I did have some leakage in the past but I believe I cleaned it up. I don't think applying more force will do the trick. Can anyone provide some advice?
Re: Can't screw nozzle back in
You need to fully strip down the V6 from the heat break down. and then once they are apart fully clean them of old plastic then reassemble in the approved manner following the method that Joan recently outlined or the E3D instructions on their web site. this will also make sure you have no lingering slight leakage problems
Re: Can't screw nozzle back in
Is there a best method of cleaning the screw threads inside the block? I have limited tools to scrape the inside with.
Re: Can't screw nozzle back in
heat with hot air gun or even a hair dryer and whittle a soft wood plug or tape a few wood toothpicks together and screw them into the block will get a bunch of it though best would be a screw with the correct threads, you might even try the wood shafted things that look like single ended q tips that are used by professional restorers