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Can Sli3r add support materials manually?  

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Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

I am the author of HorliX, open-source DICOM viewer.

I bought i3 MK3 because some users want to make 3D human organ models from 3D-constructed medical images by 3D printer.
I am satisfied with your great product 😮

See attached file.

This is Aorta and coronary arteries which provide nutrition for heart.

I am facing one problem.
The right coronary artery is cut off presumably because some parts of it are discontinuous in drawing X-Y plane.

I think support object is needed.

Can Sli3r add support object manually?

Napsal : 27/01/2019 11:36 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Yes take a look at these videos

Napsal : 27/01/2019 6:46 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Thank you for your reply.

Honestly speaking, I have tried to make support material generated automatically but gave it up because it is difficult for me, a beginner of 3D printing, to adjust adequate settings for it.

I will try it again in the way you recommend.

Napsal : 28/01/2019 9:37 am
Trusted Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Honestly speaking, I have tried to make support material generated automatically but gave it up because it is difficult for me, a beginner of 3D printing, to adjust adequate settings for it.

If you are having a hard time with the automatic support, you are gonna have an even harder time with the manual ones. You may be a pro 3D designer but you really need to experiment with 3D printing and there is no way around watching tutorials and actually printing. Trial and error 🙂

Do you use the "preview" feature of Slic3r? Have you tried higher resolutions?


Napsal : 28/01/2019 9:49 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hi, Mirad.m

Thank you for your advice.

I have learned "preview" recently but used only default parameters.

I am lack of experiences as you said.

I am a just psychiatrist in Japan now but have been an engineer before entering medical school.

My main purpose is converting 3D medical images generated by HorliX, an medical image viewer, into .stl and/or .obj files optimized for 3D printing.
I thought it is needed to experience making real 3D models by myself for it.

Best Regards,
Hiroaki Inomata MD, BSc (physics)

Napsal : 28/01/2019 10:52 am
Trusted Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hiraoki san,

Please share the STL files you are having trouble printing so that we have something in hand to comment on. 😉

Napsal : 28/01/2019 11:02 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?


Thank you for your collaboration.

I should check the file's license. Please wait for a while.
Maybe, it's OK.

Napsal : 28/01/2019 1:42 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Also, what material are you trying to print with, because PETG supports can be difficult to remove so recommendations may vary depending on the material used.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Napsal : 28/01/2019 4:50 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

You may want to experiment with the Alpha version of Slicer-pr that is available for testing.
The Support enforcers and blockers seem to be under continuous improvement for those doing manual supports the support for these features is totally on a user to user basis while the Alpha and Beta process is under way
and this is the best look at the the features in the alpha version

Napsal : 28/01/2019 7:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

The file is distributed under license of CC.
I made its download page:

Hi, chocki.
I have only PLA material shipped with PRUSA machine.
Some surgeons want 3D model for medical operation's simulations. In this case, the material's modulus of elasticity or so is desirable to be same as the organs. However, I am not familiar with this kind of problems because I am not a surgeon but a just psychiatrist.

Napsal : 28/01/2019 7:45 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Supports are where Simply3D shines. In fact, it is the only reason I still use it over Slic3rPE. Once I get my MMU, I am going to use it only for one color at a time and soluble supports - and then I will always use the Slic3r automatic support placement.

Napsal : 28/01/2019 7:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hi, randolph.

It would be better to use the alpha version for dealing with this kind of problem.

Thank you for your instruction.
Are you the author of the youtube video?

Napsal : 29/01/2019 1:17 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hi, cybrsage.

MMU is attractive product. But I am a beginner of 3D printing and PRUSA machine. So, I cannot get fully understanding how it works.

By the way, something is wrong with Slic3r when it runs on OS X?
I would like to fork it and do tuning for OS X if I have enough time to do so.

Napsal : 29/01/2019 2:01 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hi Hiroaki, nope just another user
Also I have found Alpha 4 to be quite stable under MacOS Mojave 10.14.2 the fact that its development is running ahead of its documentation is rather frustrating but asking questions about it here and in several facebook groups does work though it is rather cumbersome .... I hope some smart chap or lass will write a proper manual (with a chapter for dummies) for the Prusa Fork of Slic3r... as Prusa is rolling its old Prusa Control software (which has been deprecated and is no longer developed) someone perhaps on their staff needs to address this laps in documentation. One aspect of using Alpha and Beta versions of software to keep in mind is that direct support rom Prusa is normally provided just for the release versions of the provides software so support for them has to come from fellow users until it is released.

all that said I would not want the developers to slow down their efforts to wait for the documentation. I do want Prusa to spend what is needed to be put into the documentation as well.

this is an exciting time to be looking at this technology and I hope you find the help you need with you amazing project in this wider user group be we are all users here as well not official Prusa support. do you hope to eventually print these models in something like ninjaflex that will enable trainee surgeons to practice their cutting? if so I think you may do better to create your models in PLA and then use them as models so that you can then cast in something like silicone which can be formulated to mimic flesh suffering from coronary artery disease.

and you need to remember that all you have to do to get horses mouth help from Prusa 24/7 is to log in your account at one of the Prusa Sales pages and click on the CHAT icon in the lower right corner and plug the invoice number of your printer in the provided space and full tech support is at your beck and call.. you can send photos and videos directly to the chat tech support... and don't be shy about asking to have your session transferred to a senior tech if you felt that will be more helpful.

Napsal : 29/01/2019 5:23 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Hi, Randolph.

If I modify the original Slic3r and add new functions into it, I clarify them and make their documentations.

I revised my page with your name credited:


Napsal : 29/01/2019 10:48 am
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

I would recommend to just scale the model up.

Napsal : 29/01/2019 7:36 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

I tried again but couldn't change the box part into support material.

I have not read the source code yet.
How about modifying Slic3r as you can select "Support" in adding part like the following?

Napsal : 31/01/2019 3:22 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

You want to add a support enforcer box.

Napsal : 31/01/2019 5:16 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

You want to add a support enforcer box.

Very glad you have joined this thread as this is quite a bit above my skill level with alpha 4 right now.

With you Bubnikv he has a real expert to help with his fascinating project!

Napsal : 31/01/2019 5:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Can Sli3r add support materials manually?

Thank you for your kind advice!

Napsal : 31/01/2019 10:00 pm
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