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Calibration | PINDA 2  

Calibration | PINDA 2

New build. Latest firmware. Mk3

So during the calibration process I have not been able to successfully stop the print head from bottoming out on the piece of paper during testing.

The instructions tell you to turn off the printer before it damages anything and when I do it starts over. The only way it will complete is if I let it scan back and forth on top of the paper and it does the same thing. The probe is set at 1.8mm above the bed. I confirmed this using a 1.0mm dunlop guitar pick on top of a .88mm. The printer was a July batch and it came with a white Pinda probe.

I spoke with support because the light was off when it was near the build plate and they sent me this link.

Now when I tried these instructions the status light was not changing at Home height so I did a flash and a factory reset.

Now when I tried the test it still fails to stop hitting the bed and the Pinda probe light is on.

I have experience using capacitive and inductive probes on other printers and normally the light turns on when the bed is being sensed. They are adjustable though and the Pinda is fixed.

Does the Pinda 2 do the same thing? It is a 4 wire. Should it be black instead of white? Is this a firmware issue? I need some clarification because from what I know the sensor is has a 2mm range and if I lower it anymore it will be touching the bed.

Posted : 16/09/2018 4:57 am
New Member
Re: Calibration | PINDA 2

I am having this same problem. The printer was working fine for 3 weeks then a i got a big blob on the nozzle and broke the thermistor cable and replaced that. It then worked for a few days and now I have same problem as OP.

What is the PINDA light supposed to be doing? ON when near metal plate or on all the time? Mine is on all the time

Posted : 16/09/2018 6:57 am
Prominent Member
Re: Calibration | PINDA 2

The red PINDA LED switches OFF when it detects metal. That applies to all versions of PINDA. If the LED remains on when metal is close to or touching the end of the probe then you have a faulty PINDA.

Posted : 16/09/2018 10:10 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Calibration | PINDA 2

Hi Deneteus.

If you lower the Pinda a little. The nozzle will come to test higher... which sounds like what you want.

The LEDis on when not sensing metal and off when metal is sensed. So it should be on most of the time

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 16/09/2018 11:49 am