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Building firmware with platformIO  

Eminent Member
Building firmware with platformIO

Hi all. I had a go at building the firmware from github with platformIO. It built fine or seemed to at least. Final .hex file size was 696 kb, which was smaller than the 860kb .hex file you can download direct from Prusa. I assume this is due to my build not having multiple languages?

Anyway I crossed my fingers and flashed it to my mk3. After flashing it rebooted and showed "prusa research..." on the lcd as normal, but then after a few seconds a bunch of gibberish flowed across the screen before it seemed to reboot and start the whole thing over. I connected to serial w/ platformIO only to find gibberish output there as well.

So apparently something went wrong with my build. I've done several arduino projects over the past few years, but never anything as involved or complex as printer firmware, so admittedly I'm out of my comfort zone here. (Best way to learn is to dive right in, right?)

So anyway, below is the content of my platformio.ini file. Can anyone tell me where my error is? I'm attempting to build from a local clone of this repo:

I did copy 1_75mm_MK3-EINSy10a-ESDv6full.h to Configuration_prusa.h prior to building.

platform = atmelavr
board = reprap_rambo
framework = arduino
build_flags = -w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections

src_dir = Firmware
build_dir = out

Posted : 17/03/2019 2:04 am