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[Gelöst] Best way to completely dissolve PETG from nozzles?  

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Noble Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Best way to completely dissolve PETG from nozzles?

Ultrasonic cleaning at 40khz knocked off most of the residual:

There still exists some PETG inside the nozzle (I lack the equipment to photograph there), but the outside is clean enough.  I think the lesson here for the future might be to use a cleaning filament to clean the inside of the nozzle *before* demounting it, so that the effectiveness of said cleaning could be evaluated by direct inspection after de-mounting.

As it stands, though, it could be re-mounted, and then cleaned after-the-fact with a cleaning filament as described by bobstro above:

I find it a lot easier to push some cleaning filament at 265C to melt any leftover PETG, let it cool then do a cold pull or three. Takes a few minutes of effort plus cool-down time, but it works well.

Then, as long as it prints well, one could infer that the cleaning worked.

By the way, this is a genuine E3D nozzle.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 4 years 2 mal von dimprov
Veröffentlicht : 22/12/2020 3:56 am
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