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Bed vibration only in 1 direction  

New Member
Bed vibration only in 1 direction


I've only used my MK3S+ a few times since I bought it this January, but recently I've noticed that when the bed moves towards me in Y, it slightly vibrates and the print lines on the bed are wavy. When the bed moves away from me in Y, the print lines are straight. Thus far, I've loosened the idler pulley on the Y belt, but that did not fix the problem. What could be the cause here?


Thank you.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Alek
Posted : 11/04/2021 9:16 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Bed vibration only in 1 direction

once you can get to the bed - be very careful doing this - move the bed by hand slowly (it will generate electricity if you move it too fast and that could damage your control panel) ...

is it binding up?  Even a little bit?

When it is making the louder noise (moving towards you) hold the Y motor and squeeze it against the back chassis.  Does the noise stop?

Posted : 11/04/2021 10:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bed vibration only in 1 direction


hi Dan,


Thanks for responding to my post. I don't feel any binding in either direction. It also sounds the same in both directions, there's a slight grind but I'm not sure what normal sounds like here. I held the Y-axis motor against the chassis and moved the bed but couldn't tell there was a difference in noise. 


Posted : 11/04/2021 10:46 pm
Dan Rogers
Noble Member
RE: Bed vibration only in 1 direction

Load a print that moves the head in the Y direction (e.g. orient a long part in the y direction, and print it)

Then while the bed is moving in the direction you say is more noisy, try pinching the motor against the back frame.  Very often, the Y motor vibrates against the frame because it is about a paint-layer away from the frame by default.  I have used large zip ties to quiet the Y noise (as tight as can be, left most side of the motor while looking at it from the front control panel).  

Most recently I unscrewed the motor, and put two sheets of plastic bag between the motor and the frame - and put it back together.  That seems to be as good as the zip tie - without any chance of rubbing on the underside of the print bed, which a zip tie can do.

Posted : 12/04/2021 2:06 pm