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Bed position issue  

Active Member
Bed position issue

I recently changed my nozzle and did an XYZ calibration. The printer now doesnt know where the X and Y axis are at and im not sure how to fix it.

I can actually print, but it has a loud crashing noise during the 7x7 calibration before each print as it tries to go farther than it should. The prints are all a little farther back than they should be (looking at it from the font - they are about an inch or so back from where they should be in the center. 

Ive redone the XYZ again, but it again has lots of crashing sounds as it hits things and I can see the probe going over the right edge of the plate during the point calibrations. Of course, it always fails.

Can someone tell me what calibration I need to do to fix all this?


Posted : 02/01/2023 1:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bed position issue

It also constantly fails the belt test for Y. It looks like it doesnt go back far enough for whatever reason/stops early. I can manually push it back another in or so after the test is over. Never had an issue before all this and the belt seems fine. 

Posted : 02/01/2023 1:48 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Bed position issue

Try re-flashing the firmware and then run the calibration wizard from the LCD menu, like it’s a first time setup.


Posted : 02/01/2023 3:17 pm
Famed Member
RE: Bed position issue

Changing a nozzle can't affect the y axis so it's either sheer coincidence or something else got messed up during the swap. I'd check the y axis carefully for any obstructions. I'd also double check the grub screws on the y axis motor. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 02/01/2023 3:20 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

I reset/flashed the SW as recommended, but it didn’t help. The Y axis still only went back about 75% of the way and stopped/made a loud noise after the flash. 

I randomly decided to lube the rails/moved it back and forth manually a few times over the lube and that fixed it.

Honestly I have no idea why it was stopping still.. I have a clean room, clean printer, wiped and lubed the rails less than 30 days earlier, and didn’t see anything visible on the rail (certainly nothing significant enough to cause a dead stop at ~75% and loud grinding noises). It fixed it though - it started moving all the way and passed the XYZ afterwards. 

thanks for the help

This post was modified 2 years ago by Gappa
Posted : 04/01/2023 4:47 am