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Auto home error  

Active Member
Auto home error

I had a print failure yesterday where the print came off the thermal bed which forced me to take apart and rebuild the hot end to clean up all the stray PLA. Got that done and put the printer back together almost all the way but suddenly I am now failing the XYZ calibration on the point. I have adjested and repeatedly tested the PINDA probe, made sure the X and Y axis moved freely by hand, and cleaned off the nozzle. I then noticed the auto home wasn't working correctly, you can see in the attached picture the probe is off by half a diameter or so. I can understand then why calibrate XYZ is failing, but I am at a loss of why the auto home is off. Any suggestions that I should look at?

Thank you,


P.S. Many thanks to Peter and Joan, I have used your posted suggestions many times.

Posted : 18/01/2019 10:04 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Auto home error

I found the issue. Both lower bolts on the X carriage back had gotten hung up so that the lower x axis rod wasn't being clamped. This tilted the whole extruder asssembly and tilted the PINDA probe away from where it should be.

Posted : 20/01/2019 12:25 am