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Would like to see the design changed a little bit  

Eminent Member
Would like to see the design changed a little bit

I'm in the process of assembling my MK3 and have run into a few frustrations.

I'm on the E-Axis section. The first thing I would like to see redesigned is the way the Filament Sensor is secured. If something ever happens to the sensor, you have to remove a LOT to just get that part out. The idler assembly blocks access to the screw. If the sensor could be secured from the opposite side, or from above, that would make life a lot easier.

The second thing I would like to see changed is on Step 6, rather than using a regular M3 nut here, change it to a M3nS nut (with Trap). This would prevent a lot of issues. The one I have right now is that the nut spins freely in there because the plastic gave way.

Posted : 14/04/2018 6:31 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Would like to see the design changed a little bit

Hi Brien.
You have invested in a Prusa I3. Which brings you the abillity to make and share these design revisions yourself. Many folk on here are doing this. For example JLTX.

The open source nature is intended to promote self help!

Prusa encourage this by publishing scad files.

Regards. Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 14/04/2018 9:05 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Would like to see the design changed a little bit

Hi Brien.
You have invested in a Prusa I3. Which brings you the abillity to make and share these design revisions yourself. Many folk on here are doing this. For example JLTX.

The open source nature is intended to promote self help!

Prusa encourage this by publishing scad files.

Regards. Joan

True, but I don't have the bandwidth to change the design myself and I can live with it since I'm past that point in the assembling.

I'm not familiar with SCAD files, I'll have to look those up. I use Fusion360 to do all my design work so I'm not sure that will work.

Posted : 15/04/2018 5:49 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Would like to see the design changed a little bit

Hi Brien. I am with you... i sometimes modify STL files. But so far not played with scad files.

Another change i would like. If possible. Is to inprove the filament path so that tightly coiled filament still eject at the end of a roll.

Mine often fails because the end of the filament catches in the sensor chamber.

Regards joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 15/04/2018 11:01 am
Reputable Member
Re: Would like to see the design changed a little bit

I'm in the process of assembling my MK3 and have run into a few frustrations.

I'm on the E-Axis section. The first thing I would like to see redesigned is the way the Filament Sensor is secured. If something ever happens to the sensor, you have to remove a LOT to just get that part out. The idler assembly blocks access to the screw. If the sensor could be secured from the opposite side, or from above, that would make life a lot easier.

The second thing I would like to see changed is on Step 6, rather than using a regular M3 nut here, change it to a M3nS nut (with Trap). This would prevent a lot of issues. The one I have right now is that the nut spins freely in there because the plastic gave way.

I have a new design that fixes the sensor issue. Also will help Joan with curled filament.

Posted : 17/04/2018 3:04 am