Why no supports generated on this model and how to force them?
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Why no supports generated on this model and how to force them?  

Honorable Member
Why no supports generated on this model and how to force them?

I am trying to print this:


And was surprised that the underside will not generate any supports.. I printed it and it came out OK, but the bottom surface is like 'hair'.

So I have been playing with the options in Slic3r trying to force supports and I can't work out how to get them to generate.. I even tried a cylindrical enforcer and I still didn't get any.

I don't really understand why there are none in the first place as its a huge vertical area which would be difficult if not impossible to "bridge".. But I am at a loss as to how to force them to generate.

Could someone give me any tips/ideas/pointers?



This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by jweaver
Posted : 29/11/2019 10:34 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Why no supports generated on this model and how to force them?

I got it to work and supports to be generated in Slicer 2.1.0 by unchecking the dont support bridges box on the print settings tab under support material.  Originally, it did not generate supports when I clicked support from build plate only, but unchecking that box worked for me....



Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Posted : 29/11/2019 11:41 pm