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What material for extruder printed parts - MK3/MK3S  

What material for extruder printed parts - MK3/MK3S

Does anybody know what material was used for extruder printer parts in MK3/MK3S? Is it PET-G for all beside a part (duct) of nozzles’s fan air which is made of ABS? I am planning to move towards geared extruder motor design and I am wondering from which meterial should I print parts which are exposed to high temeperatures.

Best Answer by --:

Your info is correct: all PETG except the fan duct, which is ABS.   But, many have been having issues with the parts melting when printing higher temp filament like ABS; so new designs are in the works, rumor has it by Prusa, and a few user designs are floating around.   


Posted : 10/08/2019 9:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What material for extruder printed parts - MK3/MK3S

Your info is correct: all PETG except the fan duct, which is ABS.   But, many have been having issues with the parts melting when printing higher temp filament like ABS; so new designs are in the works, rumor has it by Prusa, and a few user designs are floating around.   


This post was modified 6 years ago by --
Posted : 10/08/2019 11:18 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: What material for extruder printed parts - MK3/MK3S

Thats great news 🙂 While I was reducing noise of my printers I am wondering if orange parts are being printed from PET-G also or it is ABS? For example: orange part which holds Z-axis motor to the frame. 

Posted : 12/08/2019 10:38 am