What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?
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What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?  

Prominent Member
What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?

Hi, I didn't have this problem before but recently, the heatbed cable (the sleeve with two cables from the heatbed) got in between a y-axis rod and the heatbed or in between a  printer's y-frame and the heatbed during printing. This caused serious problem and loud collision noise. Any good way to prevent this from happening?

Posted : 09/03/2022 1:06 am
Trusted Member
RE: What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?

The heatbed cable should always be “floating” behind the heatbed and no part of it should be down below the level of the heatbed no matter where the Y axis is in its travel. If yours is not — disassemble, check to make sure it hasn't been crushed anywhere, and then reassemble it according to the instructions and make sure it is properly secured to both the heatbed and the electronics box. Maybe the cable wrap isn't properly clamped in the heatbed-cable-cover part? That could cause it to be too flexible at that point, allowing it to acquire a downward bend.

Also make sure the cable isn't hitting an object behind the printer.

Posted : 09/03/2022 1:25 am
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?

Any mod to prevent the cable from getting stuck below the heatbed or y-axis rod or frame?

Posted : 09/03/2022 2:39 am
Chicago Keri
Estimable Member

As stated, no mods should be needed. The standard heatbed wiring arrangement does a good job of keeping the wiring out of harms way.

Section 7 of the assembly manual spells it all out with great pictures and illustrations


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Posted : 09/03/2022 3:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What is the best way to prevent interference from heatbed cable?

As others said, if properly wrapped and attached no needs for mods. There are some alternative heatbed covers that make the cable come out at a sideways angle, to avoid collision with the back wall of an enclosure. Just search for, well, "heatbed cover" but they're not intended to lift the cable up in any ways.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 09/03/2022 12:41 pm