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Upgrading a P3Steel with Prusa upgrade kit?  

New Member
Upgrading a P3Steel with Prusa upgrade kit?

Hi, I have a P3Steel (30x30x30cm printing area) that I would like to upgrade with the Prusa kit - mostly because I want the autoleveling / autocalibration system. Will this be possible? And how do I find out which upgrade kit I should buy?


Napsal : 04/07/2018 2:41 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Upgrading a P3Steel with Prusa upgrade kit?

Hi Martin,

there is probably not a direct upgrade kit that will do this

I am no expert, As I see it you don't have 8mm Z axis Lead Screws, or a Rambo / Einsy motherboard. and you probably don't have 24 volt powersupply.

Prusa Original Self calibration uses a number of sensor spots on the heatbed, to define the correlation of X and Y axis, and provide correction if these are not too far out of square.
Your present heatbed will not have these spots, and your printer is not equipped with a Pinda probe.

Prusa Original Bed Levelling uses the Pinda to test for bed level conditions... this MIGHT work on your current heatbed.

Prusa Mk3 uses an einsy rambo motherboard with TMC 2130 stepper drivers. it has been reported that this will not work satisfactorily on 12volts


First option may be Look at the "HARIBO" Modified version, which I believe is based on RAMPS Motherboard... and integrate the ideas into your P3 Steel

second option may be, look at buying the Mk2 - Mk2.5 upgrade, this will give you Bondtech Extruder Gears, Pinda2 , Mk52 12Volt Heatbed with removable build plate, Filament sensor and Noctua Fan (Most of the bits that are different on your printer...) however the firmware is optimised for Leadscrews, so you may wish to add 8mm 4 start Leadscrews to your purchase list and perhaps 16 tooth X & Y axis Drive wheels (Your current ones may be 20 tooth

You would have to arrange an adapter for the Mk52 Heatbed to your Y axis frame. and this would result in a smaller build area than your printer originally had
you could buy a RAMBO, or Modify the firmware to use the appropriate Ramps ports... and X/Y/Z/E steps per mm... as appropriate

Third option might be to buy the Mk2 to Mk3 Upgrade... however this is very expensive, and you might be better advised to keep the P3Steel and just buy a Mk3

Or get a BLtouch and modify your current Marlin Firmware...

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 04/07/2018 4:22 pm