Thermal Anomaly Message on stock MK3S
Hi all,
I promise I've searched and looked for an answer on this before I posted.
I got a used MK3S for a good deal, it supposedly only had a small amount of print time on it. I fired it up and have been running it for about 2 weeks now and have been VERY happy with it. Then today out of nowhere, I get a loud warning beeping and a message saying "thermal anomaly" when preheating to load PET, which is the filament I've been running on this machine since I got it. Nothing changed, no updates to the machine or PrusaSlicer, Both have been updated to the latest released software before I ever started using the machine, so it's not a new issue from an update. Does anyone have any help here?
I'm planning to update it to a MK3.9 or MK4 soon here but with an issue like this in the first 2 weeks I'm getting nervous...
RE: Thermal Anomaly Message on stock MK3S
It is most likely a bad thermistor or heater in the hotend or something loose in the hotend. The screw that holds the thermister should just be snug. Too tight and it squishes it causing failure at some time. That is what happened on my first 3D printer. New thermister and all OK.
If you upgrade to MK3.9 or above, The complete hotend and the computing board are all replaced. Whatever this problem is will be replaced.