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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Pagina 62 / 88
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well they updated the shipping dates page, and mine was pushed back 2 weeks (Assembled kit) 🙁

Makes me very sad.

Literally ordered an assembled printer this morning because of such a difference in lead time based on the schedule. Now theyre the same. Sigh. Here's hoping they'll let me switch

Postato : 19/04/2018 7:34 am
Reputable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

FOLKS... come on already. What is all the fixation on every single order that goes out, what is ordered, and playing roulette with getting assembled or kit? You all KNEW it was going to take awhile to get your order shipped when you ordered. Things change daily at the factory, parts availability changes, weather screws things up, and any number of other problems. Many of you act like Prusa WANTS to delay your order- are you kidding?

I ordered on Dec 1st, and mine didn't ship until Feb 20th. That's a near 12 week wait. I didn't bug or hound support one time during this period. I knew what I was in for, and I knew it would eventually come. I simply don't understand why so many are bitching at customer support reps who have no control over the shipping schedule, nor can they have much influence over things. Yes, things may get a bit screwed up, but does it really make THAT much difference? Is it worth all the angst, stress, and crying? Prusa is trying as best as they can to predict when orders ship, and by and large they have been spot on, making proper adjustments in the schedule when it makes sense.

Gel out, relax. Your printer will come. If you can't wait, then cancel your order and go buy a chinese clone from Gearbest. Let support do something useful like DO THEIR JOB, instead of hammering them with questions about when your orders will ship.

Postato : 19/04/2018 7:47 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

reid.b, I think the vast majority of MK3 customers aren't even active on this forum and, like most people here who are active, are patiently waiting for delivery. We all knew there were many weeks wait ahead when we clicked the 'Buy' button. But there's still a place for this thread as some unfortunate individuals have faced delays and an unreasonably long wait (due to mistakes at Prusa Research) which, in some instances, has been many weeks longer than expected.

Thankfully only a small number of orders seem to have fallen victim to unusually long delays (outside of the shipping table estimates), but this thread can serve as a useful guide for the few that have been affected by order issues.

Postato : 19/04/2018 11:18 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well formulated nathan.b20.

I'm glad to see that Jakub updated the shipping information page today. It's good to see that what was planned to start shipping last week is updated to "Currently shipping". Regular updates about what is going on and what is causing delays goes a long way towards calming worried customers.

Postato : 19/04/2018 3:13 pm
Justin DeWoody
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well formulated nathan.b20.

I'm glad to see that Jakub updated the shipping information page today. It's good to see that what was planned to start shipping last week is updated to "Currently shipping". Regular updates about what is going on and what is causing delays goes a long way towards calming worried customers.


Postato : 19/04/2018 4:42 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Customers would not be contacting support about shipping if they were given accurate information to begin with.

Postato : 19/04/2018 7:02 pm
Justin DeWoody
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Customers would not be contacting support about shipping if they were given accurate information to begin with.


Postato : 19/04/2018 7:06 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

FOLKS... come on already. What is all the fixation on every single order that goes out, what is ordered, and playing roulette with getting assembled or kit? You all KNEW it was going to take awhile to get your order shipped when you ordered. Things change daily at the factory, parts availability changes, weather screws things up, and any number of other problems. Many of you act like Prusa WANTS to delay your order- are you kidding?

I ordered on Dec 1st, and mine didn't ship until Feb 20th. That's a near 12 week wait. I didn't bug or hound support one time during this period. I knew what I was in for, and I knew it would eventually come. I simply don't understand why so many are bitching at customer support reps who have no control over the shipping schedule, nor can they have much influence over things. Yes, things may get a bit screwed up, but does it really make THAT much difference? Is it worth all the angst, stress, and crying? Prusa is trying as best as they can to predict when orders ship, and by and large they have been spot on, making proper adjustments in the schedule when it makes sense.

Gel out, relax. Your printer will come. If you can't wait, then cancel your order and go buy a chinese clone from Gearbest. Let support do something useful like DO THEIR JOB, instead of hammering them with questions about when your orders will ship.

I was good till a few weeks ago then it all jumped the shark. I believe i even said in my first post here back in January how my printer was supposed to ship mid march but i suspected it would be pushed into april, the wait time, at least to me, is not the issue.

The issues i personally have with the way this launch/shipping delay is playing out is:

1. People ordering in march already have printers in hand, this is absoluty f'ed up when others have been waiting 2-4 months.

2. Being sent fake UPS tracking numbers just to pacify customers, I got my first UPS shipping email 11 days ago, zero tracking updates since, contacted support after waiting 8 days with no tracking updates and no printer being delivered, they said not to worry its all good will be here in a few days, next day after contacting support i get another UPS email with different tracking number, it also has zero tracking updates in last 48 hours. I dont like being lied to, period. I have no time for companies trying to cover up there own problems by being dishonest to their customers. I would have been fine being told oops we didnt send it, or it was lost, or anything actually true.

3. Many people not being taken care of by support now. When i researched this printer and prusa back late last year prusa was a name to be proud of, support did well and customers were happy. Now we have things like people ordering a in stock replacement part waiting 3+ weeks for shipping

and this isnt the only issue with support to be mentioned here lately, seems support in the last month or two has really gone downhill fast.

If Prusa doesnt want people plugging up support then they should:

1. Have a accurate shipping times page and stick to it and not randomly ship out some march orders when there are still orders from january to fill.

2. Not lie to people who contact support, or blow them off, or not directly and honestly answer questions asked.

3. Actually ship out ordered in stock replacement parts in a timely manner(see link above about 3+ week wait for shipping of in stock part).

Those three things would greatly reduce the amount of people contacting support as if people know whats going on they do not need to contact support.

Postato : 19/04/2018 8:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Just got my mk3 kit today, not unpacked it yet. A little behind the first shipping date but not too bad

Postato : 19/04/2018 10:53 pm
Justin DeWoody
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Customers would not be contacting support about shipping if they were given accurate information to begin with.

Postato : 19/04/2018 11:57 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

NZ here.
Placed an order on 19th Feb 2018 (mk3 kit black-orange). Got a tracking number last night 🙂 - 18.04.2018 - DHL Express (estimated delivery 26 April). Only one week delay .

Mine shipped on the 16th (est arrival of the 24th) and its already sitting in Auckland, did get stung at customs though.

Yours will be faster than mine so please let me know how the customs process goes and how much does it cost to clear it.

Postato : 19/04/2018 11:58 pm
Noble Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yours will be faster than mine so please let me know how the customs process goes and how much does it cost to clear it.

Under $800 there shouldn't be any issues or additional charges.

BTW. Here are the official rules for importing to NA:

International Postal Service: Merchandise shipped through the international postal service is forwarded upon its arrival in the United States to one of U.S. Customs and Border Protection International Mail Branches for clearance. If the item is less than $2,000 in value and is not subject to a quota or is not a restricted or prohibited item, a CBP official will usually prepare the paperwork for importing it, assess the proper duty, and release it for delivery. This procedure is generally referred to as a mail entry. Packages whose declared value is under $800 ($100 if being sent as a gift to someone other than the purchaser) will generally be cleared without any additional paperwork prepared by CBP. However, CBP always reserves the right to require a formal entry for any importation and generally exercises this option if there is something unusual about the importation, or if important documents such as an invoice or bill of sale do not accompany the item.

Prusa help page regarding customs

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Postato : 20/04/2018 12:13 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yours will be faster than mine so please let me know how the customs process goes and how much does it cost to clear it.

The actual process was painless and didn't seem to delay it at all, and cost $264.64 (Paid $270ish because of credit card surcharge)

Under $800 there shouldn't be any issues or additional charges.

Yeah, we don't live in NA, and have a much lower limit here in NZ. And considering the printer works out at around $1200ish NZD, it wouldn't matter much anyway.

Postato : 20/04/2018 2:44 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yours will be faster than mine so please let me know how the customs process goes and how much does it cost to clear it.

The actual process was painless and didn't seem to delay it at all, and cost $264.64 (Paid $270ish because of credit card surcharge)

Under $800 there shouldn't be any issues or additional charges.

Yeah, we don't live in NA, and have a much lower limit here in NZ. And considering the printer works out at around $1200ish NZD, it wouldn't matter much anyway.

Mine is also in Auckland already! 6 days faster than their estimation I just need to find out how to pay for it as i didn't get any notification yet. Any advice?

Postato : 20/04/2018 7:10 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Not really, all I'd done is sign up for email notifications on tracking.

You could try and putting in your tracking number and see what it tells you.

Postato : 20/04/2018 8:19 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I woke up to a shipped printer. Ordered 2/21 kit black and orange. Slated for next Thursday delivery

Postato : 20/04/2018 2:37 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Ordered my Black kit on 2/15. "Was told it would ship this week", it has not, and will not @ this point. I cannot say this has been a great first impression of dealing with Prusa. But I also understand the issues they are dealing with.

Postato : 20/04/2018 2:52 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I too am a bit frustrated. I placed my order 2-2-2018, Orange Mk3 Kit. At that time they predicted 5 or 6 week delay for shipping. I'm now at 11 weeks (77 days) from my order date.

Last week while checking - the chat window automatically linked me up to someone asking me if i needed help? So I asked about my order. 30 mins later they said it would ship this week. Now its Friday and still no emails or updates to my order. However on it states that all orders on Week 5 have shipped, which is just false. So I enter Chat and Inquire. This week there is a nice warning saying your queue in the system and estimated wait time. That was nice because i know what to expect using chat. Now the customer support reply thru chat included this statement: "We are now transitioning to a new, smarter internal system for handling orders. The system is still being tuned, which may cause some minor delays." While thats great for Prusa and future orders, not sure how that helps me, now. They also point me to the link above seemly not to understand that it says week 5 orders have shipped and yet mine hasn't. Customer support reply was "please note that the shipping table does not give you an exact fixed date, but rather an optimistic estimation." Sigh...

I find the spreadsheet linked on post 1 very interesting as it "appears" there is a crap ton of printers received after my order and even a few just ordered 1 month ago are in teh hands of customers. The truely sad part now is that my interest in 3Dprinting is now greatly reduced from the time when I ordered the printer. Hopefully once i do get the printer - my interest will peak again.

Postato : 20/04/2018 5:19 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I too am a bit frustrated. I placed my order 2-2-2018, Orange Mk3 Kit. At that time they predicted 5 or 6 week delay for shipping. I'm now at 11 weeks (77 days) from my order date.

I’m in the same boat, having ordered Feb 1st. 😂

At first support said “oh, there was an address error when we moved systems, so it wasn’t transferred correctly. They (hopefully) fixed that.
Still nothing happened. Then they said this week (Friday). Then the shipping table updated and I contacted them for a status on my order. The answer was that they still had a few from the beginning of February, that would go out early next week.

I’ve stopped holding my breath. I know it’s a great product and it’s tripping on it’s own succes. It will get here, when it gets here. I just hope it’s soon. 😀

Postato : 20/04/2018 10:57 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

FOLKS... come on already. What is all the fixation on every single order that goes out, what is ordered, and playing roulette with getting assembled or kit? You all KNEW it was going to take awhile to get your order shipped when you ordered. Things change daily at the factory, parts availability changes, weather screws things up, and any number of other problems. Many of you act like Prusa WANTS to delay your order- are you kidding?

I ordered on Dec 1st, and mine didn't ship until Feb 20th. That's a near 12 week wait. I didn't bug or hound support one time during this period. I knew what I was in for, and I knew it would eventually come. I simply don't understand why so many are bitching at customer support reps who have no control over the shipping schedule, nor can they have much influence over things. Yes, things may get a bit screwed up, but does it really make THAT much difference? Is it worth all the angst, stress, and crying? Prusa is trying as best as they can to predict when orders ship, and by and large they have been spot on, making proper adjustments in the schedule when it makes sense.

Gel out, relax. Your printer will come. If you can't wait, then cancel your order and go buy a chinese clone from Gearbest. Let support do something useful like DO THEIR JOB, instead of hammering them with questions about when your orders will ship.

I completely agree with you but I have to admit that I gave in and bugged support one time on shipping since they didn't update the table for quite some time. Yes, we all knew it would take some time and delays are almost guaranteed but the thing is the order is already paid for (well at least in my case when ordering with CC) and that might be one of the biggest issues here for many people (especially since it is quite a bit of money we are all spending here)...

Anyway, I am waiting on a week 9 order, mk3 with black parts and two additional nozzles. Fingers crossed it will ship "soon" 😆 😆

Postato : 20/04/2018 11:01 pm
Pagina 62 / 88