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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

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New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

order placed 12/10, shipping label email received 2/22

Publié : 22/02/2018 9:19 pm
Ira S
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Order Placed 12/8 for the Kit. Got email that a label was created on 2/21. UPS Pickup scan 2/21. It's on its way!!! Got email that the order shipped 2/22. Delivery estimate from UPS for 2/27.

Publié : 22/02/2018 10:06 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

order placed 12/10, shipping label email received 2/22

same 😀 😀 😀 and if the sheet stats are right (i know its basically an educated guess) mine should be here by the end of next week

Publié : 23/02/2018 1:33 am
Marcel Leclaire
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It seems that they are ahead with the assembled mk3. They are shipping kits that were ordered around 12.12 and assembled ones that were ordered 18.12.

Publié : 23/02/2018 3:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hey guys just ordered my MK3, can anyone tell me if they update that official shipping list on any kind of schedule or is it random. Looks like last update was Feb 14th.

Publié : 23/02/2018 5:40 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hey guys just ordered my MK3, can anyone tell me if they update that official shipping list on any kind of schedule or is it random. Looks like last update was Feb 14th.

They update every few weeks or so. If you look at the spreadsheet you can get a good idea of how well they are forecasting production/shipping.

Publié : 23/02/2018 5:53 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Thats what i figured, thanks for the reply Don

Publié : 23/02/2018 8:14 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Got my Dec 1 mk3 today.

Thanks to UPS, i almost didnt get it today, lucky my wife canned her afternoon plans to wait on ups running over 5 hours late!

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Publié : 24/02/2018 4:39 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Thanks for setting up that spreadsheet, looks great.

Publié : 24/02/2018 6:04 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Had someone PM me asking if I got my printer early. I didn’t. My original order was cancelled because a family member ordered my printer in November as a surprise. Once they found out I ordered in January they had to tell me.

So my delivery is a late November order. Just got it and it prints like a champ. Shipped with the old version parts though -_-

Publié : 24/02/2018 10:15 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Looks like they are running a week behind now on the kits. Support said my 12/27/2017 order wouldn't ship until next week some time.

Publié : 26/02/2018 7:05 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Looks like they are running a week behind now on the kits. Support said my 12/27/2017 order wouldn't ship until next week some time.

Damn. I ordered 12/31. Oh well another week won’t kill me.

Publié : 26/02/2018 8:34 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Yes! I got my assembled MK3 today! It was a rather large package to bring into my motorhome, but it fits on the table. Unfortunately, I've got a cold or I'd have done more than take it out of the box and do the physical setup.

The only problem I had was putting the filament holder on the top: there should be a statement on it that we are encouraged to use some force to do this. I was expecting it to break. Maybe later today I can calibrate it and start my first print.

Publié : 26/02/2018 9:43 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I don't know who, but somebody screwed up and rearranged the sheet. It looks to be now sorted by name 😕
And instead of trying to fix it myself, (not enough experience with Google spreadsheets and the setup of this sheet) i thought of mentioning it here in the hope that one of the good buddy's that admin the sheet can fix it.

Edit: Its back to normal now.

Publié : 27/02/2018 11:00 am
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Shipping seems to be running a little behind. My kit ordered 15th December, still not shipped. The spreadsheet "predictor" said received on 6th March which sounds pretty realistic now.

I had a little chat session with Shane - he informed me that my order is awaiting black parts which are printed "once a week". I guess black kits are not so common. Mine should be shipping this week.

Publié : 27/02/2018 1:08 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well i was pleasantly suprised this morning opening up my email....
to find out a mail from Prusa with message saying shipping label was created.
I ordered my MK3 kit on 19th of january.
So with any luck should ship soon ...

Publié : 28/02/2018 1:15 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did you order a kit or a build printer, and what color? I ordered mine January 4th and have not yet received anything.

Publié : 28/02/2018 1:48 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did you order a kit or a build printer, and what color? I ordered mine January 4th and have not yet received anything.


Publié : 28/02/2018 1:55 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well i was pleasantly suprised this morning opening up my email....
to find out a mail from Prusa with message saying shipping label was created.
I ordered my MK3 kit on 19th of january.
So with any luck should ship soon ...

So jealous. I ordered my kit 12/20 and not even being packed yet 😔

Publié : 28/02/2018 1:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did you order a kit or a build printer, and what color? I ordered mine January 4th and have not yet received anything.

Same for me.

Publié : 28/02/2018 4:50 pm
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