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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Pagina 37 / 88
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well that's not what I wanted to wake up to this morning 🙁 was originally looking like a Friday delivery but I hope it doesn't get pushed back to Monday.

02/14/2018 4:42 A.M. A mechanical failure has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Louisville, KY, United States 02/14/2018 4:40 A.M. A mechanical failure has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible.

Haha... I was hoping to get mine on Friday or Saturday, but I just got the label today. Oh well, at least I got a label, and my wait is (almost) over! 😀

Postato : 14/02/2018 4:33 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Ordered 11/25, got tracking # 2/13, shipped 2/14 BUT UPS site says:

02/13/2018 6:40 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/13/2018 5:59 P.M. A missing commercial invoice is causing a delay.
02/13/2018 5:59 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
02/13/2018 5:59 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 02/13/2018 2:17 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 02/13/2018 10:47 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

It took 36 hours from that notice to arrival in the states for mine. Delivery is scheduled for tomorrow. Be patient, it will get through. 🙂

I was concerned because UPS said that it was being delayed for a missing invoice. Just now UPS shows an origin scan - so it was delayed a full day for missing paper work.
I bet my wife that it would come while I'm away for the long President's Day weekend. So I win either way 😆

Postato : 14/02/2018 4:46 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


I tried to get some answers from Prusa support. I ordered my M3 kit 22/11-2017 and it's stuck in status "Order being packed".

Order flow:
02/09/2018 Order being packed
11/22/2017 Payment accepted
11/22/2017 On backorder (pending)

UPS tracking:
Czechia 09-02-2018 10:53 Order Processed: Ready for UPS

I was promised Monday by prusa support that it would ship Tuesday, but nothing happened 🙁
Yesterday I was promised that i would get at status in email the following morning, but nothing happened 🙁

Have anyone else experienced Problems like this where a order is stuck ?

I'm loosing my patience 🙁


Postato : 14/02/2018 4:46 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Well that's not what I wanted to wake up to this morning 🙁 was originally looking like a Friday delivery but I hope it doesn't get pushed back to Monday.

02/14/2018 4:42 A.M. A mechanical failure has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Louisville, KY, United States 02/14/2018 4:40 A.M. A mechanical failure has caused a delay. We will update the delivery date as soon as possible.

Mine was just scanned into L'ville over lunch. No notice of breakdown yet. It is kind of annoying that they drove about 75 miles past me when they could have just dropped it off here 😀 .

Postato : 14/02/2018 7:05 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Ordered 22.11.2018. 😀

are you from the future?

Postato : 14/02/2018 7:12 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

yeaaa.... sorry 🙂 I'm p...d off . My Einsy board is out of order and I have to wait for replacement. 😳

Postato : 14/02/2018 8:34 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Has anyone in the US had a delay because of the order being >$1000 and import duties owed? I don't care about paying it I just don't want it to hold up delivery lol

Ordered 11/20 and got the tracking number today ^^

Postato : 14/02/2018 11:13 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Since several people have received their shipping notices that ordered the MK3 after 11/20 I asked for an update. When I told them I asked to put mine on hold until the MK52 powder coated sheet could ship with it they told me the following.

The powder coated sheets are shipping out at the end of Feb, they are going through the sheets to make sure the same issues do not happen.

Possibly, there will be a shipping schedule created for the orders on hold for the sheets so you can check back when they start to ship

Postato : 15/02/2018 12:32 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I'm in the USA. Do you guys get a UPS tracking number when it ships thru UPS to keep an eye on the progress?

Is it emailed to you?

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Postato : 15/02/2018 12:38 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I'm in the USA. Do you guys get a UPS tracking number when it ships thru UPS to keep an eye on the progress?

Is it emailed to you?

Yes, the shipping organization registers the item with UPS. Both UPS and Prusa emailed me (I previously signed up with UPS to receive notifications) to inform me that the label has been created.
The first 2 entries from UPS look like this:

Prague, Czechia 02/12/2018 5:11 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 02/09/2018 4:00 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Postato : 15/02/2018 1:10 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I got the email on 2/13/18 from Prusa saying it had been shipped but no other information yet.

MK3 Kit, Designed, built 4x4 CNC Plasma Cutting Table, Motorcycles Bigdogbro's Adventures

Postato : 15/02/2018 1:57 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

My "Shipped" email didn't contain the tracking no. either, only a Prusa order reference. Make sure you didn't lose your tracking no. in a SPAM filter.

Postato : 15/02/2018 4:08 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

BTW, my shipped email arrived on the 13th too and delivery is scheduled for tomorrow, so you may get surprised. I'm a bit closer to L'ville (assuming that is a hub that it is coming into) than you but only by hours, not days 😀 .

Postato : 15/02/2018 4:13 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I had 2 emails from Prusa when it was shipped. The first one was the notice of it being generated and that had the tracking number and then the 2nd one was just it being shipped.

But my printer should be arriving some time today as long as UPS doesn't lose this package but there track record for my last few deliveries has me a little stressed out. They lost my last 3 packages that has gone through them and last time they didn't even make a attempt to track it down they just sort of ignored it.

Postato : 15/02/2018 2:22 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I just received a link to a GPS tracking map of my delivery truck from UPS. :mrgreen:

Postato : 15/02/2018 3:20 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did something happen at Prusa Research because shipping seems to have slowed to a crawl since last Friday the 9th and then there was the adjustment to the expected shipping dates table?

Maybe they ran out of orange filament 😆

Postato : 15/02/2018 6:24 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did something happen at Prusa Research because shipping seems to have slowed to a crawl since last Friday the 9th and then there was the adjustment to the expected shipping dates table?

Maybe they ran out of orange filament 😆

Maybe they're reprinting all the printed parts, to update them to new ones? 🙂

Postato : 15/02/2018 6:53 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did something happen at Prusa Research because shipping seems to have slowed to a crawl since last Friday the 9th and then there was the adjustment to the expected shipping dates table?

Maybe they ran out of orange filament 😆

I noticed this. Even with their revised numbers, if they keep up, I think they will be behind schedule again by tuesday.

Week 44, was supposed to start Jan 31.
Week 45 and 46, were supposed to start Feb 5. They started shipping
Week 47 was supposed to start Feb 8.
Week 48 *WAS* scheduled to start the 12th (until the 14th when it was changed to 15th)
Week 49 *WAS* supposed to start the 15th (this was changed on the 14th to the 19th, a 5 day delay)

Week 44 , was all but finished Jan 31. (a few shipped on Feb 1)
Week 45 and 46. Started almost 4 days early. Finished shipping on the 9th. 1 day late.
Week 47, started shipping on the 8th. This was technically on time... however I think most of the 8th was still dedicated to week 45/46. It finished on the 13th. around 4 days late.
Week 48 started shipping on the 13th 1 actual day late, was supposed be a 2-3 day "lot". Given it's 7PM over there, I'm guessing I'm not shipping today. I'm guessing week 48 will finish on Monday. (the 19th) putting it ending nearly a week behind schedule.

How in the world, do you go from being around 4 days early, to around 4 days late, in a matter of 2 weeks?!

At the start of last week, I was thinking I might get mine to ship on thursday or friday (last week), it was so far ahead.
Now rather than hoping it ships early, I'm just wondering how late it will ship. Even the revised schedule from the 14th, seems to already have proven wishful compared to actual current shipping rates!

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Postato : 15/02/2018 7:11 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Sean, I've been told by someone else and on a connection to the helpdesk that the online official scheduled date list sometimes is updated 2-3 weeks late so it's hard to go by it.

Postato : 15/02/2018 7:22 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Sean, I've been told by someone else and on a connection to the helpdesk that the online official scheduled date list sometimes is updated 2-3 weeks late so it's hard to go by it.

The apparent delay I'm refering to is the fact they were 3-4 days ahead, and within 14 days, 3-4 days behind.

They have an absolute volume of how many units on each week, and that won't change. They were actually shipping units faster than planned, until last week. Whatever math they use to figure out shipping schedule is likely something like this.

Total units for week / Units produced Daily = how many days needed to ship.

They were running ahead of schedule ~2 weeks ago. Not including revisions to dates, they are almost a week behind now. The only reason they would need to "revise" their shipping times, is if their production rate of units has dropped.

I would assume their production rate has dropped compared to plan, by around 50% in the past 2 weeks. However it appears they believe their production rate will go back to what it was any day. (like, starting next Monday, the shipping schedule is basically the same as before the Feb 14 revision, just delayed 4 days)

My guess is, either:
A) Something bad happend with new printed parts.
B) They expected to massively expand the size of their printer farm at the start of last week, and decided not to.
C) All of the above.

EDIT: I would assume the issue is related to their printer farm, becuase they are still shipping units every day. If they had a supply issue, they would not be shipping anything.

EDIT2: They started selling Prusa Orange PETG. It shows in stock, so I'm quite sure they didn't run out of filamnt!

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Postato : 15/02/2018 7:28 pm
Pagina 37 / 88