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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Strona 3 / 88
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Nice idea, I like statistics 😉
Would have been an idea to ask for a date instead of yes/no in both Tracking and Received column.
That way you would get to know how long it takes between Tracking number > shipment, and shipment > arrival in combination with the Country.

Guess it's too late for that, an option for the MK3S? 😉

Don't forget to check out 😀

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 6:07 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

The charts are starting to look really awesome. Thanks for who ever put the formulas to pull the data.

No problem :D. It looked like this when I first got to it, so I fixed it up a little bit, and just kept going from there :).

Some of the formulas are a little messy, but they seem to work okay ;). Some trickery had to be done so that we could trim text strings (for text verification/comparison), but still count them numerically, and that made some of the formulas harder to read. Everything works okay until people go inserting rows too high, and then I have to move a bunch of stuff and rewrite some formulas to keep everything exact. It's so much easier to just move entries around so please if everyone could just put your entry on the end and I'll sort it ASAP.

The forums wouldn't let me login (had to contact board admin to fix my account), so I wasn't able to participate here until just now.

somebody changed my entry in the chart 👿

I have no idea who keeps doing this :(. Did you imply somewhere you had already gotten yours? I think someone keeps trying to update it for you because they think you have. Can you please reply to this thread when you receive your MK3?

Edit: Also it seems like everyone received the "Mk3 is shipping" email today and is updating their rows. The "Email" row is for shipment notification as it is possible some users will never receive a shipment notification but may still receive their MK3 - this happened to a lot of people during the HTC Vive launch for example, plenty of people never received a notification and their Vive just popped up on their door or they got a UPS My Choice notice or FedEx Delivery Manager notice or similar, but never actually received a shipment notice from HTC/DigitalRiver.

I'm not trying to be controlling here, but I think the Email column will be useless if we include the "Mk3 is shipping" notice that everyone received. I ordered mine on 11/15 and I got that email this morning as well.. I think this column should be exclusively reserved for the "LABEL CREATED" email that PR sends out some time before shipping . My last package from them for example I got the Label Created email one day, and the Shipped email the next. Both of these included a link to the tracking number.

It has arrived ! 😮

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 7:05 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

YouTube unboxing video or it didn’t happen!


Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 7:27 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Guys, I think Carmen Sandiego has stolen my printer. According to UPS, its gone from Prague, Czechia -> Shenzhen -> Germany -> Dubai -> back to Shenzhen.

Damn you woman, and your crazy red hat!

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 7:55 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Guys, I think Carmen Sandiego has stolen my printer. According to UPS, its gone from Prague, Czechia -> Shenzhen -> Germany -> Dubai -> back to Shenzhen.

Damn you woman, and your crazy red hat!

I bought a Dynamo charger from East Germany last year and it ended up at someone's house in Geneva and I got his package. We eventually swapped packages and all worked out well in the end...

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 9:01 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Can't find youtube in this mess 😉

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 9:26 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

(I know this is sort of OT, but this seems like the best place to let out my impatience without bothering support)

Aargh! No mail! Ordered 12:30 Central US time on 9/23 (a few hours after announcement?). I see about half the 9/23 orders on the spreadsheet have received shipping info, but radio silence for me.

Part of my problem is a sort of nagging background "Did they forget me? Is my order messed up in the system?". As soon as I see a 9/24 order with shipping info I'll bug support, but I'm working hard to hold off until then.

Sort of a moot point for now, as I'll be skiing next week and it'll sit in my front hall teasing me. I'm sure my wife will send me pictures of the box.

Opublikowany : 04/12/2017 11:08 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Hi, this is my first post on here, I was relatively late to the party, discovering Prusia just in time to order it on cyber monday, so I imagine I'll have a while to wait for my first 3D printer 😥 .

Anyway, I wonder if we should add a column in the table for whether people requested to wait for the powder coated PEI sheets, rather than the default stickered ones? That might help clarify why some orders may not ship with others placed at the same time.

On that topic (although off the main topic of this thread) does anyone know what the default will be for people who are already scheduled to receive their printer after the powder coated sheets become available (for example my order estimated to ship February 5th)? Also is there any downside to them requesting the powdered sheets if not the default?

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 12:21 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

(I know this is sort of OT, but this seems like the best place to let out my impatience without bothering support)

I wouldn't be too worried quite yet. I'm guessing we're missing a ton of actual orders. For one, something like 50% of the orders on the chart are from places where English is a primary or at least a secondary language. I'm just guessing, but I think there are probably a ton of other people (even on this very forum) who are simply unaware of the sheet. When you include all of the people who either, A, don't want to participate, B, are unable to participate, or C, are unaware of the sheet at all, I think we can safely assume we have a decently low percentage of actual total orders.

The more orders we can track, the higher the likelihood that our averages and estimates are correct, but with such a small sample size it's likely that our calculations will be quite off as we're missing a huge part of the picture. For example, lets say hypothetically there are another 100 Launch Week orders, but only 10 more for Week 39. It that were the case, we could expect Week 39 to complete in about a third of the time as LW (50~ orders vs 140~). However based on the current information punched into the sheet, it looks like Launch Week and Week 39 are closely matched, so we should expect W39 to be pretty close to LW in terms of fulfillment rate. Unfortunately, because we have no way of knowing how many orders we are missing, and when they were placed, we have no ability to accurately calculate fulfillment rates, but if we can get enough users participating we can get pretty close. Personally, I'm more interested in the sheet for checking how well Prusa Research is performing, but fulfillment estimation is always fun too :).

Anyway, I wonder if we should add a column in the table for whether people requested to wait for the powder coated PEI sheets, rather than the default stickered ones? That might help clarify why some orders may not ship with others placed at the same time.

I think it will become very clear in the coming weeks which orders have postponed, plus getting everyone to come back and change their answers might be a bit too much to ask :P.

On that topic (although off the main topic of this thread) does anyone know what the default will be for people who are already scheduled to receive their printer after the powder coated sheets become available (for example my order estimated to ship February 5th)?

If the powder coated sheets are available when your printer ships, you should receive the powder coated sheet. If not, you will receive the smooth sheet instead, with a voucher for $10 off the powder coated sheet on their store. This should be true regardless of when you placed your order, up until the powder coated sheets are permanently available. Of course Prusa Research may change the deal at some point, but this is my understanding for now. I heard this voucher will include free shipping, but that may be wrong, as it was from unofficial sources.

Also is there any downside to them requesting the powdered sheets if not the default?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. The Powder coated sheets will be the default, you may request them but your order may be delayed. For now they are shipping the smooth sheets (which will actually cost a bit ($5) more in the store than the other two will), but that will cease when the powder coated sheets are hitting their target production yield. Once the Powder Coated sheets are available, I don't think Prusa Research will let you "upgrade" to the Smooth sheets when ordering a Mk3, but the price difference would only be about $5 so they might work something out with you if you spoke to their support before placing your order. The actual difference between the sheets is primarily the texture left behind on the 3d print, but some users may have a personal preference? Did I manage you answer your question somewhere :P?

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 12:46 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Something to keep in mind.

Some time ago, i noticed that some stuff i ordered with the MK3 kit was sold out, so i reached to customer support and asked them if the extras i ordered were already reserved and removed from stock so it wouldnt delay my MK3 Shipment.

I was told that the extras i ordered were reserved and that the shipment was only waiting on the MK3..

So "extras" shouldnt delay our orders!! =)

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 12:55 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So "extras" shouldnt delay our orders!! =)

That's good to know! I swear the store pages explicitly recommended ordering separately but it's good to know they're doing what they can to minimize delays :).

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 12:58 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

So "extras" shouldnt delay our orders!! =)

That's good to know! I swear the store pages explicitly recommended ordering separately but it's good to know they're doing what they can to minimize delays :).

Yes... that was quite a relief for me.

The extras I ordered are still out of stock and I hope to get my shipment this week.... if my order gets shipped while the extras are out of stock then it confirms what they said =). We will see... :p

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 1:08 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I heard this voucher will include free shipping, but that may be wrong, as it was from unofficial sources.

Shipping for the sheets will be free, from official source:

The sheets are considered consumables but we are offering the $10 voucher for textured powder coated steel sheet to everyone who receives the printer with smooth PEI “sticker” sheet and free shipping with it. We want you guys to be happy. We are also working on ways to provide special affordable shipping for sheets on every continent.

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 1:41 am
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Shipping for the sheets will be free, from official source:

Awesome! I must have missed the "free shipping" part :). Thanks.

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 1:43 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Bump. (Oh, and I got my notice!)

Opublikowany : 05/12/2017 11:30 am
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I would find it interesting to know when a shipment with black noctua fan or einsy board version 1.1a (without daughter board) or pei powder coated steel sheet arrives. Especially einsy version.

Would that be a useful information to collect?

Opublikowany : 06/12/2017 9:56 am
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I would find it interesting to know when a shipment with black noctua fan or einsy board version 1.1a (without daughter board) or pei powder coated steel sheet arrives. Especially einsy version.

Would that be a useful information to collect?

I'm sure it'd be useful, but remember that we depend on people correctly reporting what they receive back into the spreadsheet. Each thing we add to track adds another thing that can go wrong. Maybe we could add a column for "notes about received product" where people can report version numbers, but I think it'd be easier to get that data by just asking in the forum.

Opublikowany : 06/12/2017 11:13 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I would find it interesting to know when a shipment with black noctua fan or einsy board version 1.1a (without daughter board) or pei powder coated steel sheet arrives. Especially einsy version.

Would that be a useful information to collect?

I'm sure it'd be useful, but remember that we depend on people correctly reporting what they receive back into the spreadsheet. Each thing we add to track adds another thing that can go wrong. Maybe we could add a column for "notes about received product" where people can report version numbers, but I think it'd be easier to get that data by just asking in the forum.

I think it would be best to have it in the table; sure not everyone will go back to add data, but from those that do, it'll be useful. Just a few optional columns:

Powder coated board requested: [yes/no];
Powder coated board received: [yes/no];
Einsy Board version 1.1a (without daughterboard) received [yes/no] (or just type in version number);
black noctua fan received [yes/no].

Just as some people left other fields blank, we still get valid data from those that do fill it out. make a chart of e.g.

[black noctua fan received] [yes: 40; no:10, unknown: 35].

Just because not everyone will fill it out doesn't mean it's not useful data from those that do; just categorize missing responses as unknown.

Opublikowany : 06/12/2017 8:47 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

oddly enough, I would've liked to hear an update on not getting black fans along with the PEI notification. Not the biggest deal, but was really hoping for the black fan, considering I'd ordered a black MK3.

We'll see what comes in

Opublikowany : 07/12/2017 7:07 pm
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It's not comforting seeing a ship date of 12/7/2017 for an order placed 09/24/2017 lol. I'm really starting to doubt these initial shipment windows.

Opublikowany : 07/12/2017 7:12 pm
Strona 3 / 88