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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

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Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Unfortunately won't be home to take advantage of the added express shipping

Did we get upgraded shipping as well? Josef's email said "ALL", but was that all new orders? Or existing orders as well?

Posted : 20/12/2017 4:19 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Just received a tracking number this morning, ordered 30th of september.
Unfortunately won't be home to take advantage of the added express shipping, am spending christmas abroad. But at least there'll be a nice big package waiting at home 😀

Woohoo - I ordered the same day, keeping a close eye on my email now 🙂

Was hoping for it today as it's my birthday but before Christmas would be a nice surprise !

EDIT - oh bugger the Prusa shipping estimate now shows assembled pushed back to Jan 8th - downer 🙁

Posted : 20/12/2017 4:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

My printer was in Germany yesterday and somehow is on the truck to be delivered to Florida today.
Some real efficiency from UPS once it landed in KY early this morning.

It arrived in KY at 2:37
Left KY at 5:02
Arrived in West Palm at 7:06
Left West Palm at 7:45
Arrived at local city at 8:25 (about an 45 min- 1 hour away so thats pretty good)
On truck by 8:43
Delivery window of 9:30-1:30

They even have a map where you can stalk the truck. Mine is still in the facility at 10:31. I know where it is since I pass it on my way to work every day and always see the UPS trucks turning on that road. Unfortunately I work 20 out of the next 30 hours or so... No unboxing until tomorrow night... if I don't pass out first.

Posted : 20/12/2017 4:34 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It makes me sad that I ordered so late, as I still have almost two entire months worth of orders to get through before mine comes up. At the same time, I'm hopeful that the minor issues popping up will be fixed by then, and that I'll get a powder coated sheet with my order, as well. 🙂

Posted : 20/12/2017 4:45 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Unfortunately won't be home to take advantage of the added express shipping

Did we get upgraded shipping as well? Josef's email said "ALL", but was that all new orders? Or existing orders as well?

...We’re also going to upgrade ALL orders from this week to Express UPS shipping (just select cheapest Expedited or Standard shipping; applies to orders shipped out during this week only), so if it's shipped on following days it SHOULD arrive on Friday. Of course, it's better not to wait for the last moment as we cannot guarantee it...

My impression was, from his announcement, was that all orders going out of the house this week get bumped to express shipping. I might be wrong though, as it depends on the exact wordage and English isn't my first language.

Posted : 20/12/2017 6:22 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Assuming that the orders are being shipped as per order numbers I am curious (not bleating) as to why #4956 has received shipping notification but mine #4589 has not - both orders the same.

Posted : 20/12/2017 6:35 pm
Jonathan Kayne
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

it appears that the PR spreadsheet timetable has been updated. The assembled versions have been pushed back, but i see no change to the shipment of kits (luckily).
Just wanted to give a heads up.

Jonathan Kayne
Virginia Tech Class of 2021 - Electrical Engineering
Thingiverse Profile: "I am always thinking about making. My future begins when I wake up and see the light." - Miles Davis

Posted : 20/12/2017 6:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Assuming that the orders are being shipped as per order numbers I am curious (not bleating) as to why #4956 has received shipping notification but mine #4589 has not - both orders the same.

Are they going to the same area? Maybe PR are shipping orders based on location? Like "today we send everything (for this wave) going to the US, tomorrow everything going to UK & France."

Posted : 20/12/2017 6:52 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

That would make a lot of sense !

Posted : 20/12/2017 7:05 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Assuming that the orders are being shipped as per order numbers I am curious (not bleating) as to why #4956 has received shipping notification but mine #4589 has not - both orders the same.

Could also be related to mk2s users who sent theirs back or switched their orders for an mk3.

Posted : 20/12/2017 7:09 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Unfortunately won't be home to take advantage of the added express shipping

Did we get upgraded shipping as well? Josef's email said "ALL", but was that all new orders? Or existing orders as well?

...We’re also going to upgrade ALL orders from this week to Express UPS shipping (just select cheapest Expedited or Standard shipping; applies to orders shipped out during this week only), so if it's shipped on following days it SHOULD arrive on Friday. Of course, it's better not to wait for the last moment as we cannot guarantee it...

My impression was, from his announcement, was that all orders going out of the house this week get bumped to express shipping. I might be wrong though, as it depends on the exact wordage and English isn't my first language.

Specifically, it seemed to refer to new orders made during that period. Not old preorders made months ago.

Posted : 20/12/2017 7:11 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Did we get upgraded shipping as well? Josef's email said "ALL", but was that all new orders? Or existing orders as well?

...We’re also going to upgrade ALL orders from this week to Express UPS shipping (just select cheapest Expedited or Standard shipping; applies to orders shipped out during this week only), so if it's shipped on following days it SHOULD arrive on Friday. Of course, it's better not to wait for the last moment as we cannot guarantee it...

My impression was, from his announcement, was that all orders going out of the house this week get bumped to express shipping. I might be wrong though, as it depends on the exact wordage and English isn't my first language.

Specifically, it seemed to refer to new orders made during that period. Not old preorders made months ago.

... And mk2s orders.. though Im sure UPS will dissapoint with an exception or two 🙂

Posted : 20/12/2017 7:50 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 20/12/2017 8:42 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

You guys are the best.

Just wanted you to know.

Posted : 20/12/2017 9:09 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Just had a very helpful session with the online support chat. Turns out mine (ordered on the 29th) had somehow missed being sent out. Very polite and apologetic support staff on the late shift and it's now been marked in on the shipping queue.

Might not get it in time for Christmas but I can live with that if needs be, for me it's the not knowing anything that get's me twitchy.

Posted : 20/12/2017 11:37 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

You guys are awesome Josef! Thanks for all you do! You've inspired many people 🙂

Posted : 21/12/2017 4:26 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

What is the deal with the orders for assembled MK3 printers?

I was told during a chat with a Prusa employee it would only be a few days later than kit orders with similar order numbers.
Is that true or what???

Posted : 21/12/2017 8:37 am
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I am communicating with Prusa support again and they referred me to this new schedule (Updated: December 20, 2017) which says assembled printers won't ship until January 8th.

I am so disappointed. I was told, more than once, flat out by customer assistance in chats that my assembled printer would ship a few days after other kit orders with similar order reference numbers. "It takes time to assemble and test…"
I guess I should have known better than to believe what I was being told, because now that I think back there was a similar problem when I ordered my assembled MK2. I kept being told it will ship soon…it will ship soon. But somehow weeks passed.

I am simply amazed that no one at Prusa was able to either know that there would be such a long delay (nearly 4 weeks) or wasn't willing to share with their customer support people what was actually going on. There is no way someone at Prusa didn't know what was going on with the assembly schedule two days ago. I'm not saying the customer support people knew the true situation because they only know what they are being told (and I feel I am being generous to say that).

I understand companies having problems, but I don't like being lied to. Someone made the decision to have customer support lie to me and that makes me very unhappy. And I don't use the word "lie" lightly or carelessly. I guess one gets to know a person or a company by experiences like this.

I understand prioritizing shipping kits over assembled printers, but just be honest about it. Inform me about how it is progressing or changing in an email. Don't make me have to go every day and dig up the information myself.
I love my Prusa MK2. I have enjoyed printing with it immensely. I am just so disappointed with the process I am experiencing.

I am really not sure what to do now, if anything. I know it isn't a good idea to make decisions when I am so unhappy. What luck! Waiting a day or two to decide won't make any difference!

Posted : 21/12/2017 9:39 am
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Just received a tracking number this morning, ordered 30th of september.
Unfortunately won't be home to take advantage of the added express shipping, am spending christmas abroad. But at least there'll be a nice big package waiting at home 😀

Woohoo - I ordered the same day, keeping a close eye on my email now 🙂

Was hoping for it today as it's my birthday but before Christmas would be a nice surprise !

EDIT - oh bugger the Prusa shipping estimate now shows assembled pushed back to Jan 8th - downer 🙁

EDIT 2 - Tracking number email came this morning, Express saver service with tentative delivery date of tomorrow 🙂

Posted : 21/12/2017 11:16 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

For those in the USA, how long did your printer get stuck in "Your package is being processed at the clearance agency."?

Mines been there for at least 24hrs now, and its getting down to the wire for Christmas.

Posted : 21/12/2017 1:40 pm
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