Shift in print 🙁 -- My fault
😳 So my spool was running out so I made a change and unfortunately only have red on hand. In any case I am 49 hours into this print getting ready to change out the spool and i bump the table pretty good. I click on tune to change out the spool and initially I thought everything was going fine, but after two layers I noticed a substantial shift. I am new to all of this so freaking out as this is a long print....and was supposed to be a gift for the wife.
So I am pausing the print then restarting to see if it would "fix itself" it wouldn't. Then I see i can change xyz in settings while paused. I try this and get it mostly back on track, but its now off the other direction by a hair. I have again tried adjusting the x, but doesn't seem to do anything. I am going to let it run and see how she looks.
In the photo you can see the huge shift right. I have since gotten it left where its off by a smidge. (not sure why but photos all rotate for some reason when I upload) So it appears to be a shift up in the photo.
Re: Shift in print 🙁 -- My fault
😳 So my spool was running out so I made a change and unfortunately only have red on hand. In any case I am 49 hours into this print getting ready to change out the spool and i bump the table pretty good. I click on tune to change out the spool and initially I thought everything was going fine, but after two layers I noticed a substantial shift. I am new to all of this so freaking out as this is a long print....and was supposed to be a gift for the wife.
So I am pausing the print then restarting to see if it would "fix itself" it wouldn't. Then I see i can change xyz in settings while paused. I try this and get it mostly back on track, but its now off the other direction by a hair. I have again tried adjusting the x, but doesn't seem to do anything. I am going to let it run and see how she looks.
In the photo you can see the huge shift right. I have since gotten it left where its off by a smidge. (not sure why but photos all rotate for some reason when I upload) So it appears to be a shift up in the photo.
you're running the latest firmware? I feel like you'd have to bump the table really hard to cause the the motor or gears to slip.