Sensor not triggering
I have just updated the firmware on my printer and I am now getting a message that says, "Bed leveling failed. Sensor didn't trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting"
I have cleaned the nozzle but I keep getting the same message. In addition the printer seems to be frozen as I can't remove this message without turning the printer off.
RE: Sensor not triggering
Did you set the (Super)Pinda at the correct height?
RE: Sensor not triggering
Also you could try to reinstall the previous firmware. If that fixes the problem I would keep the version that works. Sometimes newer is not better or brings new problems.
RE: Sensor not triggering
I am a newbie and I don't even know what the (Super)Pinda is much less setting it at the right height. I will have to check my manual and see what I can find. This did happen yesterday before I did the firmware update but it went away after I did a restart of the printer.
RE: Sensor not triggering
That is the inductive probe that is used for bed levelling. That is the big "screw" with the gray or black plastic end at the bottom and a thick cable at the upper end that sits next to the nozzle. It measures the distance to the heated bed. In the manual it says you should use a zip tie as gauge for the distance to the bed. The newer SuperPinda that is part of the MK3S+ (and the Mini+ I think, not sure) needs a slightly bigger distance to the bed than the previous Pinda probe. The procedure for each is in the online manual.
RE: Sensor not triggering
I looked up how to check the Super Pinda's height and went through the process and then went through the Wizard Calibration. The printer seems to be working correctly now. Thanks for the input and suggestions.