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Prusa's Poll  

Stránka 4 / 4
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

So I really appreciate the voucher! One thing that makes me not use it is the shipping. The voucher doesn't subtract any shipping charges. I was going to pick up some new nozzles which are like 4 bucks. So the voucher will subtract the 4 bucks but then it cost 20$ to ship to the US. So I have 16$ left of the voucher and spend $20 to ship. Seems odd I suppose. Oh well. Nothing gained and nothing lost.

Napsal : 05/06/2018 2:49 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

Thank you kindly Prusa for the voucher, much appreciated here!

I'm going to wait for a bit until the new Prusa filament selection comes out before cashing that baby in. Guessing (hoping) that will be soon as the 'out of stock' materials are dominant at the moment...

Napsal : 06/06/2018 9:28 am
Estimable Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

So I really appreciate the voucher! One thing that makes me not use it is the shipping. The voucher doesn't subtract any shipping charges. I was going to pick up some new nozzles which are like 4 bucks. So the voucher will subtract the 4 bucks but then it cost 20$ to ship to the US. So I have 16$ left of the voucher and spend $20 to ship. Seems odd I suppose. Oh well. Nothing gained and nothing lost.

Minimum shipping from Prusa to me in the US is $19.73 via DHL. In my thoughts, this voucher gives me free shipping on my order which is great! Granted, eventually the shipping will increase as you order more but, as a test, I placed a full set of motors, filament sensor, nozzles, print fans, PEI sheets and a roll of PVA+ filament in my cart and it still was only $19.73 to ship. Of course, as soon as I added a second roll of filament the price doubled 😯 But I can get that stuff here. 😀

So again, for me, a welcome voucher to allow me to order some Prusa specific (unique) parts for my printers and have them delivered for free. Thank you Prusa.

- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)

Napsal : 06/06/2018 10:00 am
New Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

I’m waiting for the powder coated PEI sheets to to use this voucher. Hopefully it’s available this year 😆

Napsal : 06/06/2018 11:29 am
Trusted Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

Got my voucher to, and another 50€ for MMU2 price compensation !

We were supposed to get a 10€ voucher and free shipping for choosing PEI steel sheet, what about it ?

"The sheets are considered consumables but we are offering a $10 voucher for the textured powder coated steel sheet to everyone who receives the printer with smooth PEI “sticker” sheet and free shipping included"

Napsal : 07/06/2018 8:50 am
Estimable Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

Got my voucher to, and another 50€ for MMU2 price compensation !

We were supposed to get a 10€ voucher and free shipping for choosing PEI steel sheet, what about it ?

"The sheets are considered consumables but we are offering a $10 voucher for the textured powder coated steel sheet to everyone who receives the printer with smooth PEI “sticker” sheet and free shipping included"

The sheets are not available yet. Once they are LOOK OUT as I think a mad scramble will ensue. It is then we should see those vouchers.

Hopefully, before 'general availability', Prusa should send out a request to those entitled to the voucher and, if they want to use it, send those first. Otherwise, if it is a free for all, it may take another year to get them over here in the US. (...are you listening Prusa Marketing???)

- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)

Napsal : 07/06/2018 9:45 am
Honorable Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

I used my voucher for 3 MK3 PEI sheets. Only had to pay $15 out of pocket.

Napsal : 09/06/2018 12:20 am
Trusted Member
Re: Prusa's Poll

I forgot to do mine 🙁

Napsal : 10/06/2018 5:18 am
Stránka 4 / 4