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Print stop mid air when using Pronterface  

New Member
Print stop mid air when using Pronterface

Hi there, just finally made my new printer to work, however, when I use Pronterface to manage the print, the print just stops (bed and nozzle continued to be headed) and never restarts again. When i use the same file from SD card to print, things run smoothly to completion. Please advise. Thanks

Posted : 20/10/2020 5:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Print stop mid air when using Pronterface

That’s the trouble when using a computer to print from, ANY interruption to the serial connection will cause the print to stop and fail. There are so many possibilities , you don’t even mention what type of computer, pc, Mac, Linux ?  Basically assorts can cause issues. If something else is polling the usb for example it will stop. 

Posted : 20/10/2020 5:57 pm
hchen23 liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Print stop mid air when using Pronterface

When Windows, or even most Linux versions including what a Mac uses, are not a real time OS and go out to lunch with internal housekeeping tasks: serial jobs including USB must have recovery and error correction hardware and protocols in place. Simple serial handshaking will usually fail due to small buffers and the resulting buffer overruns. 

While also not a RTOS, OctoPrint on Raspberrian/Debian Linux seems to do a better job of prioritizing the USB traffic. I.e., as long as you are using a Rpi3 or 4. 

Posted : 20/10/2020 6:28 pm
hchen23 liked
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print stop mid air when using Pronterface


I am in the process of installing a Raspberry, good to know I'm not the only one having problems

Posted : 20/10/2020 6:44 pm