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Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING  

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Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm still waiting for my jetpack and flying car.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 20/08/2018 5:48 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm still waiting for my jetpack and flying car.

Now that is funny.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 20/08/2018 7:30 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Somebody was going to get disappointed.

A lot of somebodies are disappointed I reckon, me included. I ordered a Mk3 with an advertised powder coated plate within 24 hours of its offer for sale.

It's now getting mighty close to a year since that date (24th Sept), I have two Mk3's running behind me now and I still have never seen a mythical powder coated steel sheet or the promised vouchers to obtain them.

Almost an entire year to supply a steel sheet with a painted coating?

Meanwhile printers are now leaving the factory with the sheets daily.

This is my main issue as well, people who ordered up to a year ago(I ordered just over 8 months ago) still waiting for PC sheet while people who ordered few months ago get shipped with PC sheets. Its completely backwards. People who ordered first should be getting the sheets first, not made to wait and be the last to see them. And the communication regarding these has been laughable.

Ive come to the conclusion with Prusa the earlier you order the worse off you are, you get incomplete product, issues with firmware, issues with some features not working as intended(looking at you filament sensor and crash detection). And people who wait it out for a year or so get much better product with complete hardware and much more finished firmware.

Bottom line, order early and be a unpaid beta tester or wait and get what you paid for.

Do you have a printer? Have you placed an order?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 20/08/2018 7:32 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

This is my main issue as well, people who ordered up to a year ago(I ordered just over 8 months ago) still waiting for PC sheet while people who ordered few months ago get shipped with PC sheets. Its completely backwards. People who ordered first should be getting the sheets first, not made to wait and be the last to see them. And the communication regarding these has been laughable.

Ive come to the conclusion with Prusa the earlier you order the worse off you are, you get incomplete product, issues with firmware, issues with some features not working as intended(looking at you filament sensor and crash detection). And people who wait it out for a year or so get much better product with complete hardware and much more finished firmware.

Bottom line, order early and be a unpaid beta tester or wait and get what you paid for.

Quickly approaching a year for me. I agree with you, this who ordered the printer first should have a first shot at the powder coated sheets.

Publié : 20/08/2018 7:42 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

This is my main issue as well, people who ordered up to a year ago(I ordered just over 8 months ago) still waiting for PC sheet while people who ordered few months ago get shipped with PC sheets. Its completely backwards. People who ordered first should be getting the sheets first, not made to wait and be the last to see them. And the communication regarding these has been laughable.

Ive come to the conclusion with Prusa the earlier you order the worse off you are, you get incomplete product, issues with firmware, issues with some features not working as intended(looking at you filament sensor and crash detection). And people who wait it out for a year or so get much better product with complete hardware and much more finished firmware.

Bottom line, order early and be a unpaid beta tester or wait and get what you paid for.

Quickly approaching a year for me. I agree with you, this who ordered the printer first should have a first shot at the powder coated sheets.

I would assume you already have a printer and have been printing for a year. I am not sure how that compares to someone who has been waiting for months to receieve a printer.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 20/08/2018 7:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

A lot of somebodies are disappointed I reckon, me included. I ordered a Mk3 with an advertised powder coated plate within 24 hours of its offer for sale.

It's now getting mighty close to a year since that date (24th Sept), I have two Mk3's running behind me now and I still have never seen a mythical powder coated steel sheet or the promised vouchers to obtain them.

Almost an entire year to supply a steel sheet with a painted coating?

Meanwhile printers are now leaving the factory with the sheets daily.

This is my main issue as well, people who ordered up to a year ago(I ordered just over 8 months ago) still waiting for PC sheet while people who ordered few months ago get shipped with PC sheets. Its completely backwards. People who ordered first should be getting the sheets first, not made to wait and be the last to see them. And the communication regarding these has been laughable.

Ive come to the conclusion with Prusa the earlier you order the worse off you are, you get incomplete product, issues with firmware, issues with some features not working as intended(looking at you filament sensor and crash detection). And people who wait it out for a year or so get much better product with complete hardware and much more finished firmware.

Bottom line, order early and be a unpaid beta tester or wait and get what you paid for.

Do you have a printer? Have you placed an order?

Of course i have my printer by now, got it in late may, 6 month wait from original order date.

And you cannot place an order for PC sheets they are not orderable as far as i can tell from viewing the store page even though they are going out with new printer orders every day.

Publié : 20/08/2018 8:09 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I hope they open the ordering soon for all of you.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 20/08/2018 11:33 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm mildly disappointed at the delays, but Prusa did ship me the stickered PEI flex sheet option when the supply of PC beds was non-existant. I believe I'm still in line for a voucher and free shipping when the PC beds do become available. That was the offer at the time. I didn't cancel my order, which was the other option. Instead, I got the more expensive double-sided sticker PEI sheet and my printer sooner. I can deal with a bit of deferred gratification for a pretty finish. That was my choice at the time, so I live with the consequences. In the meantime, I've been printing for 110 days that I would've otherwise been grousing about, so it's not like there was no benefit to me.

It makes sense that, once I accepted the deal, they're not coming back around to do more for me. I understand they need to keep the production line moving and that putting more people in the queue would be a bad business move. I could have canceled my order when they notified me I'd be getting the PEI stickered sheets but didn't. If somebody didn't get the opportunity to cancel when the changes were made, there's a legitimate case for complaints. Otherwise, it's like waiting for any other hot new nice-to-have product.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 21/08/2018 1:48 am
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I would assume you already have a printer and have been printing for a year. I am not sure how that compares to someone who has been waiting for months to receieve a printer.

Your assumption would be correct and I also had to wait for 4 months to receive my printer after I ordered it.

Publié : 21/08/2018 3:56 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I would assume you already have a printer and have been printing for a year. I am not sure how that compares to someone who has been waiting for months to receieve a printer.

Your assumption would be correct and I also had to wait for 4 months to receive my printer after I ordered it.

That sucks. Sorry to be CPT Obvious.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 21/08/2018 4:07 am
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

My 2 cents.
Ordered 3 day Prusa MK3 was on sale. Waiting for the powder coat coupon. I understand the delays but what other option do you have?

Publié : 22/08/2018 4:01 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

The other option is to change the order to the smooth PEI sticker sheet and pick up a powder-coated sheet later. You'll be able to print and learn in the meantime. The big deal about the PC version is the texture. The smooth PEI sheets are also amazing. I personally think the ability to repair the sticker is a plus. Given how important the sheet is, it's always a good idea to have a spare, so winding up with 2 is a good thing. It's an option worth considering.

If you elect to wait, just know supplies are unpredictable, so it may be longer than the current estimate. If you can cool your expectations, waiting may be OK too.

Waiting and then freaking out on every change is just going to dampen your enthusiasm when the thing does arrive.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 22/08/2018 5:07 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I personally think the ability to repair the sticker is a plus.

Gah, no, having just replaced both PEI sheets on my original print bed, I've decided that it's not worth it and in the future I will spend a little extra and just replace the whole bed.

The problem is that they use some sort of adhesive that's obtained from the fires of Mt. Doom on the first new moon of winter by sacrificial virgins, or something like that. It took me hours, lots of solvent (both limonene and acetone), a pile of paper towels, and a razor blade scraper and I still didn't get all the residue off.

Publié : 23/08/2018 4:13 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Gah, no, having just replaced both PEI sheets on my original print bed, I've decided that it's not worth it and in the future I will spend a little extra and just replace the whole bed.

The problem is that they use some sort of adhesive that's obtained from the fires of Mt. Doom on the first new moon of winter by sacrificial virgins, or something like that. It took me hours, lots of solvent (both limonene and acetone), a pile of paper towels, and a razor blade scraper and I still didn't get all the residue off.

My Doom? Funny. 😀

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 23/08/2018 4:20 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

had a long session in chat.

and i have to say i am pissed.

i will never buy something from Prusa again, and canceld my MMU Order

i orderd in september 17 - so soon its a year.

have no voucher yet and will not get the sheet soon.

but got confirmation that i would have it now , if i orderd 6 month later...

that is fucking old customers only to get faster money out of new ones.

Publié : 24/08/2018 1:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Sorry for the honesty but I think you guys need to chill a bit... You don't have a PC bed yet because you chose (like me) not to wait and get your printer sooner, with the smooth bed (which even has a higher cost). And you will still get the PC bed soon, for next to nothing.

It's still a pretty sweet deal, and it's really unfair to say that they should have done it differently. It's true that those who order now are getting the PC bed by default, but in a couple of weeks we will have two beds with two different bottom finish possibilities.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy your printer.

Publié : 24/08/2018 3:04 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Sorry for the honesty but I think you guys need to chill a bit... You don't have a PC bed yet because you chose (like me) not to wait and get your printer sooner, with the smooth bed (which even has a higher cost). And you will still get the PC bed soon, for next to nothing.

It's still a pretty sweet deal, and it's really unfair to say that they should have done it differently. It's true that those who order now are getting the PC bed by default, but in a couple of weeks we will have two beds with two different bottom finish possibilities.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy your printer.

Yes and no for me. I ordered in October and it was expected to ship in late January. Josef released his blog post in the beginning of December and said that they expected to get them in late January. I had every expectation of receiving my printer with the powder coated sheet because of that blog post. I received my printer with the stickered sheet and then after that the next delay communication came out.

If I would have known sooner I would have opted to delay my order.

In January Prusa gave people the option to order with the PC bed or the stickered bed. Those who ordered their printer with the PC bed received their printers with the stickered one and then received their free PC beds later on. To me, that's unfair.

Publié : 24/08/2018 4:00 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

[...] Yes and no for me. I ordered in October and it was expected to ship in late January. Josef released his blog post in the beginning of December and said that they expected to get them in late January. I had every expectation of receiving my printer with the powder coated sheet because of that blog post. I received my printer with the stickered sheet and then after that the next delay communication came out.
That's roughly how it went for me (early January order). However, I did have the option to do nothing (and get the double-sided sticker), wait for the PC or cancel. I chose to do nothing and get the double-sided sheet.

If I would have known sooner I would have opted to delay my order.At one point, they weren't giving an option. The eventual availability of the powder-coated options was unsure. They were more-or-less dropped from the product line. It happens with other products. Fortunately, they were able to get them back into production. Companies can't afford to warehouse stock indefinitely. At some point, they have to pull the trigger. I can understand customers being annoyed, but there was always the option to cancel or seek a refund.

In January Prusa gave people the option to order with the PC bed or the stickered bed. Those who ordered their printer with the PC bed received their printers with the stickered one and then received their free PC beds later on. To me, that's unfair.
I'm still expecting the voucher for a PC bed, but I definitely haven't had an opportunity to order one yet. I am understanding that new orders that specified the PC sheet -- after they were added back to the stock selection -- are getting them. However, it makes sense that anybody who got the more expensive double-sided PEI sticker sheets would not be at the front of the list. You were "made whole" with the more expensive sheet. You can print. You're waiting for a pretty textured bed. Your option at the time would have been to cancel or get a refund. "Get a sticker sheet and get a PC sheet with a discount ahead of everybody else" was never an option.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 24/08/2018 5:10 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

However, it makes sense that anybody who got the more expensive double-sided PEI sticker sheets would not be at the front of the list. You were "made whole" with the more expensive sheet. You can print. You're waiting for a pretty textured bed. Your option at the time would have been to cancel or get a refund. "Get a sticker sheet and get a PC sheet with a discount ahead of everybody else" was never an option.

Those who selected the powder coated sheets as an option early on received their printer with a free stickered sheet and also received their free powder coated sheets. So they received 2 free sheets, one the more expensive option, and we have to pay for the powder coated sheet albeit at a discount.

Publié : 24/08/2018 5:16 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

What i have a Problem with:
I orderd in September 17... and don't even have the Voucher yet. And it may take month to get the sheet.
( i got the mail that i could decide when i was in Holidays and when i came home the printer was already delivered. - no choise for me - just a delivered Product that doesn't have the promised specs).

People that orderd half a year later got it already... and that sucks.

The only fair way would be not to sell any new coated sheets. And first deliver to the customers that orderd it first.

but shure.... that would mean to get less money. Its prusa. sell stuff they can't deliver.
When i buy a car i also have to wait for long. but i pay one day before delivery. not years...

The Problem is: There is no real alternative. If there was - Prusa would have a Problem.

Publié : 24/08/2018 5:24 pm
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