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Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING  

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Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

This little gem of info is on the shipping table page:

"The $10 vouchers with free shipping for ordering these will be released shortly after the sheets are added on the e-shop."

So they will appear to order BEFORE we get our vouchers. So if you think they'll run out (they will) and want to order as early as possible, you'll need to order without the discount.

Postato : 03/07/2018 1:01 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

This little gem of info is on the shipping table page:

"The $10 vouchers with free shipping for ordering these will be released shortly after the sheets are added on the e-shop."

So they will appear to order BEFORE we get our vouchers. So if you think they'll run out (they will) and want to order as early as possible, you'll need to order without the discount.

Come on guys, don't be so pessimistic. I've been happily printing with my Mk3 for a few months now, what harm are a few more weeks of PEI sheet going to do? I'm honestly very happy with it already.

Besides, from what Josef was saying, the vouchers should have priority over general public. In this case "added on the e-shop" might just mean that they created a product page, but it doesn't mean that they need to be available for purchase by everybody.

Postato : 03/07/2018 1:10 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Besides, from what Josef was saying, the vouchers should have priority over general public. In this case "added on the e-shop" might just mean that they created a product page, but it doesn't mean that they need to be available for purchase by everybody.

Well, the sheets have been on the e-shop for months, so that wouldn't make sense.

Postato : 03/07/2018 1:30 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Got my printer today😀

Postato : 03/07/2018 2:15 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

This little gem of info is on the shipping table page:

"The $10 vouchers with free shipping for ordering these will be released shortly after the sheets are added on the e-shop."
English is a wonderful thing. "Shortly after" can mean 10 seconds, or 10 days. I wouldn't pre-stress over things that haven't happened yet. 10 days ago, I was stressing that there were no options for backups for my PEI-stickered sheet. I came close to pulling the trigger on a Build Tak sheet and stickers. Then Prusa's PEI-stickered sheets appeared in the store, and there still seems to be ample stock today. Prusa seems to have managed and maintained the pipeline of that high-demand item, at least for now.

They know they got their asses kicked by over-promising, even with the best of intent. You can tell by JP's discussion of the filament offerings in the recent video that they're trying hard to manage expectations better. They've made good on those things they have control over. It would be prudent of them to impose a 1-per-customer limit on the powder-coated sheets for a few weeks until the back pressure is relieved.

If billion-dollar companies like Apple and Tesla have a hard time meeting demand for products, I'm going to cut Prusa a bit of slack. They are at least shipping some out now, and at least so far, I haven't read any complaints about quality. That's a good thing. I'm looking forward to mine just like everybody else, and I do really, really want it. Christmas just isn't here yet.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 03/07/2018 3:20 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Hmm, at least there's a product page now:

$25 would be a bargain if they actually, you know, ship.

WHEN they ship, since some of us (myself included, and I posted about 45 minutes before you did) have received the new build plates.

Postato : 03/07/2018 5:09 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I'm wondering if I will receive a powder coated sheet faster if I buy a new printer selecting the powder coated sheet. According to the shipping table the approximate wait for a printer with a powder coated sheet is one month. I've been waiting for 7 months so far with my printer and nearly a year since I first placed my order...

Postato : 03/08/2018 8:55 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I think it's SNAFU at this point. Situation unchanged. Maintain and observe.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 03/08/2018 11:12 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I really do not understand. based on the shipping tracker. Powder coated from January to may is "shipping". That is five months of backlog if I am reading this correctly. How can orders from 12 July ship on 20 August if they are still shipping from January.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 04/08/2018 1:16 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I really do not understand. based on the shipping tracker. Powder coated from January to may is "shipping". That is five months of backlog if I am reading this correctly. How can orders from 12 July ship on 20 August if they are still shipping from January.
If they're starting to get the sheets in quantity, it makes sense that they'd catch up relatively quickly. Of course, they've had plans that fell through before, so we'll have to see what reality gives us.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 04/08/2018 1:30 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I really do not understand. based on the shipping tracker. Powder coated from January to may is "shipping". That is five months of backlog if I am reading this correctly. How can orders from 12 July ship on 20 August if they are still shipping from January.
If they're starting to get the sheets in quantity, it makes sense that they'd catch up relatively quickly. Of course, they've had plans that fell through before, so we'll have to see what reality gives us.

I hope you are right.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 04/08/2018 2:24 am
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Or I have another idea. Why didn't they catch up with people who ordered their printer when the only option was to purchase it with a powder coated PEI sheet? Granted, you had an option to purposely delay your order until they became available but I didn't exercise that option because how Prusa communicated the delay.

My order was expected to ship in late January when the Prusa communicated that the powder coated sheets would become available. I didn't contact Prusa to delay my order because they already communicated that my order should ship with one in their news letter. To my dismay, I received it with a stickered sheet and got to watch people who ordered their printers months after mine get their sheets before me because they chose the powder coated sheet at checkout; which wasn't an option for early buyers.

The whole ordeal was handled improperly. From the first orders shipping late because of the delay, to the late communication, to the botched priority on sheets. I'm really disappointed.

Postato : 04/08/2018 4:44 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

[...] The whole ordeal was handled improperly. From the first orders shipping late because of the delay, to the late communication, to the botched priority on sheets. I'm really disappointed.
OK. I think we all got that. Bummer. Close to the same deal here. It's unlikely to change at this point, and they can't roll back the clock. They're working through the queue, and hopefully everybody can buy as many as they like real soon. I'm just glad they didn't ship defective plates, and that they're making an honest effort. Somebody was going to get disappointed.

At least we got our printers sooner, eh?

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 04/08/2018 5:06 am
Prominent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Somebody was going to get disappointed.

A lot of somebodies are disappointed I reckon, me included. I ordered a Mk3 with an advertised powder coated plate within 24 hours of its offer for sale.

It's now getting mighty close to a year since that date (24th Sept), I have two Mk3's running behind me now and I still have never seen a mythical powder coated steel sheet or the promised vouchers to obtain them.

Almost an entire year to supply a steel sheet with a painted coating?

Meanwhile printers are now leaving the factory with the sheets daily.

Postato : 04/08/2018 7:31 am
Honorable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Meanwhile printers are now leaving the factory with the sheets daily.

^^^^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Even more frustrating when almost every post I see on reddit lately has a powder coated sheet.

Postato : 04/08/2018 2:03 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

You only have a few weeks left till they should hit the eshop. I just wish their tracker :/ shipping schedule was easier to understand.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 04/08/2018 5:50 pm
New Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Any updates?

Specifically for first week shipments?

Postato : 20/08/2018 8:27 am
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I talked to customer support and they offered no updates. I would be interested in what they are telling anyone else.

I did send an email commenting that they need to increase their flow of updates. Maybe a simple every 3 day blog post.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 20/08/2018 12:41 pm
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

I talked to customer support and they offered no updates. I would be interested in what they are telling anyone else.

I did send an email commenting that they need to increase their flow of updates. Maybe a simple every 3 day blog post.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 20/08/2018 12:41 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets: NOW SHIPPING

Somebody was going to get disappointed.

A lot of somebodies are disappointed I reckon, me included. I ordered a Mk3 with an advertised powder coated plate within 24 hours of its offer for sale.

It's now getting mighty close to a year since that date (24th Sept), I have two Mk3's running behind me now and I still have never seen a mythical powder coated steel sheet or the promised vouchers to obtain them.

Almost an entire year to supply a steel sheet with a painted coating?

Meanwhile printers are now leaving the factory with the sheets daily.

This is my main issue as well, people who ordered up to a year ago(I ordered just over 8 months ago) still waiting for PC sheet while people who ordered few months ago get shipped with PC sheets. Its completely backwards. People who ordered first should be getting the sheets first, not made to wait and be the last to see them. And the communication regarding these has been laughable.

Ive come to the conclusion with Prusa the earlier you order the worse off you are, you get incomplete product, issues with firmware, issues with some features not working as intended(looking at you filament sensor and crash detection). And people who wait it out for a year or so get much better product with complete hardware and much more finished firmware.

Bottom line, order early and be a unpaid beta tester or wait and get what you paid for.

Postato : 20/08/2018 4:57 pm
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