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OctoPrint issues and tips  

Strona 23 / 23
Illustrious Member
RE: OctoPrint issues and tips


Gina explains here why powersave via Octoprint is not possible:

( )

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 03/06/2021 6:48 pm
Buckeye Slicer
Eminent Member
RE: OctoPrint issues and tips

For some reason I cannot upgrade my Octoprint to 1.6.1 or 1.6.0

Goes through the whole process, then states that it was not able to update.

Opublikowany : 04/08/2021 4:18 pm
X Axis stepper motor damaged due to suspected OctoPrint + Crash Detection behavior on MK3S+

Using 3.10.0 on my MK3s+ with OctoPrint 1.6.1 via USB interface on RPi 3B with both crash detection and filament sensor turned ON.

I have been using this setup for months, generally without any issues.  I also use a similar setup on my Mini+.

Yesterday, I had a crash detected on the first layer due to a filament blob that accumulated on the nozzle and was deposited on the print.  The printer correctly detected the crash and OctoPrint notified me (via OctoPod on my iPhone) that the printer was "paused for the user".  On the printer menu I selected the option to not resume the print.

To my surprise, the printer head continued to move, presumably due to OctoPrint continuing to issue G-Code commands to the printer or the printer responding to the cached commands from OctoPrint.  This caused the head to crash violently on the right side of the X-Axis and produce a loud grinding noise, presumably due to the X-Axis timing belt skipping.  I promptly powered off the printer.

Afterwards, the printer indicated that calibration of axes was needed, and I continued to get the "X Axis length errors" when I repeatedly attempted the calibration process.  The head is not able to move smoothly along the X Axis.  I disassembled the X Axis and determined that the stepper motor is the issue, by noticing that it was giving uneven resistance when rotated by hand and with loose timing belt.  I promptly ordered the replacement for the stepper motor (and timing belt + timing pulley, just in case).

I was surprised that the printer firmware allowed this to happen.  I suggest that you look at the firmware logic in this scenario, after the crash detection was correctly detected, the user indicated "No" to the question of whether to continue the print, and the printer then responding to G-Code movement commands without looking for crashes or even end stops on the axes.

Hope this helped.

Opublikowany : 09/10/2021 3:32 pm
New Member
RaspberryPi zero 2

I know the board is new and all but has any one tried printing with a RaspberryPi zero 2 w yet if so any issues or is it amazing 

Opublikowany : 30/10/2021 6:23 pm
RE: OctoPrint issues and tips

I've been experiencing a port error after installing the new pi zero 2. Uncertain I am of the cause, I used the pi zero w for awhile but moved on to a 4B. Once the pi zero 2 was available I bought one and have had problems since.

Basically the symptoms are: once octoprint is running and I install a plugin the program can no longer access the serial port, /dev/ttyS0. A reboot returns octoprint to an operational status.



Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Opublikowany : 08/11/2021 3:09 pm
Strona 23 / 23