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OctoPrint issues and tips  

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Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Did you changed setting in printer menu --> Rpi from"off" to "on" ?

Postato : 20/02/2019 6:50 am
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I realize the whole issue with Octoprint and Raspberry Pi is to keep the hardware footprint fairly small and compact, but has anyone checked to see if the Octoprint server itself running on a Raspberry Pi is being overwhelmed or worse yet temperature throttled to the point to where it is causing bad prints? Most people set up a camera and watch the camera while the print is underway, via the Octoprint webpage. That means the Raspberry Pi is running Linux, running a webpage, playing realtime video, constantly saving timesliced images, as well as sending commands to the printer itself.

I suspect a lot of the issues people are running into are caused by the Pi minicomputer being temperature throttled, or just not being powerful enough for the job itself.

I have had several failed plates of parts fail, due to the use of OctoPrint. If I run the same thing with the pi turned off and running via an SD card, it works repeatedly flawlessly. The camera is a really nice thing, but I think you need a more robust server platform to print long prints reliably. I'm going to try setting OctoPrint up on a dedicated Debian linux server (on a blade server) and use it for a few weeks to see if it works reliably there. If it does, the issue is pretty much a problem with the Raspberry Pi not being powerful enough for all we're expecting it to do...

Ahandyman59 (Tacoma, Washington USA)

Postato : 20/02/2019 6:57 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

...Raspberry Pi not being powerful enough for all we're expecting it to do...
The statement "Raspberry Pi not being powerful enough" is too wide and not correct. You should say that "Pi Zero is not powerfull enough". Rpi3 has more than enough juice. I have around 20-30% load when printing and streaming video. I switched to Pi3 because Zero is just too slow - it takes ages to boot at power-on, it takes ages to do anything with it, and camera must have lowest resolution to work at all. OK, i don't need HD, but some 800x600 is good to have. I found out that having bigger resolution leads to problems when monitoring via phone, specially where connection is not so good.

I didn't manage to connect it through dedicated connector yet, however, so i use USB, which is quite OK.

Postato : 20/02/2019 8:59 am
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Most linux configurations go with whatever max resolution your camera can handle, starting around 1080P. Unless you specifically set your resolution lower, you're likely to make the pi generate a lot of heat, which will start temperature based cpu throttling, which will start a cascade effect of everything slowing down, which leads to the commands sent to the printer skipping or forcing the printer to wait, which causes these skips. I have watched this happen on the 2 Raspberry Pi 3 B+ that I use. It's even worse if you do not use heat sinks and fans to try and cool down the cpu.

Postato : 20/02/2019 9:12 am
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Did you changed setting in printer menu --> Rpi from"off" to "on" ?

Yes, the RPi is set to "on".

Postato : 20/02/2019 7:13 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I would double check all connections, if you made correct ones, and maybe deleted whole SD card and reflashed image. It seems that printer doesn't respond. You can also try to load original octoprint image - before deleting this one go to printer settings and write down all necesarry settings in profile, so that you will be able to create a new one in octoprint image.

Postato : 21/02/2019 7:07 am
Dread Pirate Roberts
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Is there any plan in the future to manage the crash feature better from OctoPrint? I have had 3 crashes due to powerloss lately that have caused me a bit of grief. I used to have the Pi Zero W connected to the einsy. I moved away from that thinking that I would be safer with a 3b+ on a UPS. This wasn't the case. Maybe there is a better way that no one has thought about just yet I am not sure.

Postato : 27/02/2019 5:22 pm
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I was having the exact same print failures with octoprint running on pi 2 B+, which theoretically was powerful enough. I monitored the temps and sure enough, after an hour or so, temps get hot and the pi slows down.

I set up a Debian server with Octoprint, and camera set up on it and after 2 weeks, no failures, even on some multi day print jobs.

It seems indeed, to be a problem with having a Raspberry PI powerful enough, or not using the camera functions, which generate lots of processes, causing heat...

In my case, I think I'll stick with the local debian linux VM instead of a PI...

Postato : 08/03/2019 5:14 am
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I was having the exact same print failures with octoprint running on pi 2 B+, which theoretically was powerful enough. I monitored the temps and sure enough, after an hour or so, temps get hot and the pi slows down.

Yeah, the pi will throttle for temperature- I didn't have problems with the pi2 but I definitely do with the pi3. Power issues too. Both heat and power will throttle it. The modern octoprint (1.3.10) displays the throttle status, you can get it from `vcgencmd` too.

But yeah, putting it on a full server is good too! Like PiHole, there's ultimately nothing "pi" about it, really.

Postato : 08/03/2019 5:24 am
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

So I have a Mk3S on order, kit that is and I have spent the last few days reading, reading and reading....
So I hate to jump in front of the line but in the beginning of this post it seems the Pi was/could be causing print failures.
I have to admit I stopped reading about page 7 or 8, I need to let me mind absorb everything else.
So is the Pi Zero W the best option to date? Or possibly the 3B+
I run 2 3B+ pn my other 2 printers flawlessly but curious in the general sense if I should hold off on the Pi/Prusa idea for now?
I have no intentions on grabbing a Pi and tossing on it but would like to later down the road after I spend some time
with the Mk3s.
I know...keep reading...right? 🙂

Postato : 19/03/2019 5:56 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

So is the Pi Zero W the best option to date?

You're trolling, right?

While Prusa designed things to fit a Zero, the Zero and especially Zero W are the worst choices you could make. Here's what the official OctoPrint site says:
Please note that the Raspberry Pi Zero W is not recommended since severe performance issues were observed, caused by the WiFi interface when bandwidth is utilized (e.g. the webcam is streamed), negatively impacting printing results. See also here.

It'll run on a Zero W, and certainly there will be replies to this saying "I've never had an issue running OctoPrint on my Zero W, but it's no accident that it is so strongly discouraged by Gina.

Postato : 19/03/2019 6:07 pm
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

No Im not a troll, I read all of the documents for this printer and simply following up on its documents representation for the Zero.
I have used 3 B+ for some time now and this is kind of why I asked the question about the Zero. Thinking "something changed"
since it is still referenced in Prusa documentation.
I just got into the Prusa mentality 4 days ago, I have read every manual and document pertaining to setup
and other items so yes Im kind of a Prusa Newb but not a 3d Printer newb.
If the Zero W is a bad idea then maybe Prusa should remove it from the documents and represent what works?

Postato : 19/03/2019 7:56 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

No Im not a troll, I read all of the documents for this printer and simply following up on its documents representation for the Zero.

Sorry, I meant it somewhat tongue in cheek.

If the Zero W is a bad idea then maybe Prusa should remove it from the documents and represent what works?

That'd be a great idea. I think Prusa thinks it's still an option- but based on complaints that come to OctoPrint it isn't worth it.

Order a short USB-B cable (I use this one) and use a Pi3B or B+. There are a million ways to mount it, but I've never used my USB card, I always print from the Pi.

Postato : 19/03/2019 9:59 pm
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hey guys,

today I wanted to install octoprint to my prusa mk3. I have followed the manual for octoprint, but when I connected the raspberry pi zero W to EINSY and turned the printer and RPI Port on nothing happened. Even after a half an hour waiting. I checked the raspberry and saw the power indicator did not light. When I connect the raspberry to my computer via USB the light turned on and I had wifi connection and the octoprint site started to load.

Postato : 20/03/2019 8:42 pm
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips


No worries I was grinning when I typed that 🙂

I planned on using the 3B+ but only found one decent video on it which the install is
pretty much the same as my other printers. Would like to find any failures on
mentions of the 3B+'s but not too many

Postato : 21/03/2019 4:58 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I planned on using the 3B+ but only found one decent video on it which the install is
pretty much the same as my other printers. Would like to find any failures on
mentions of the 3B+'s but not too many

Yeah, it's the same, you just use the USB port on the prusa. Use a decent power supply, install OctoPi like you would any other Pi OS, good to go.

(incidentally my second Prusa MK3 arrives tomorrow, yay!)

Postato : 21/03/2019 5:06 pm
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips


Awesome, thanks.

Hoping my kit ships soon I've already got stuff laid out LOL


Postato : 21/03/2019 6:25 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Just an observation as I read these threads: Most USB ports are 2.1 AMPs. The Raspberry 3B+ requries 2.5 amps.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 21/03/2019 7:02 pm
Pepe LePew
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Yes thats true and my experience is buy a power supply recommended for the Raspberry Pi.

Postato : 21/03/2019 8:54 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Yes thats true and my experience is buy a power supply recommended for the Raspberry Pi.

That is what I had to do. The 7 inch display works off the pi but the pi takes 2.5 amps.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 21/03/2019 8:58 pm
Pagina 19 / 23