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OctoPrint issues and tips  

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Miembro Moderator
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I was under the impression that I could mount the pi to a Windows Drive.. And then export G-code straight to this folder.. I am sure its possible, but I have hit a wall...

You should really watch this video by Joe Mike Terranella.

Respondido : 05/09/2018 9:08 pm
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I was under the impression that I could mount the pi to a Windows Drive.. And then export G-code straight to this folder.. I am sure its possible, but I have hit a wall...

You should really watch this video by Joe Mike Terranella.

Cheers.. That will be helpful.. I worked out my mounts in the end and everything is good now. As a former Unix Admin, this should be straight forwards, but its been a few years and I am a little rusty.

But once I got my hands on a shell and searched a bit on google, I was able to install Samba and 'share' the required directories.

Octopi is setup now and I am able to drop files right into it from windows.. But I still havnt' connected it to the Printer.. I will be doing that by the weekend.

Respondido : 06/09/2018 2:25 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

If you use OctoPod (free open source iOS application for OctoPrint), you can upload iCloud/Box/Google Drive/DropBox files to OctoPrint or the SD Card. :geek:

Respondido : 06/09/2018 9:41 pm
Miembro Moderator
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

If you use OctoPod (free open source iOS application for OctoPrint), you can upload iCloud/Box/Google Drive/DropBox files to OctoPrint or the SD Card. :geek:

Since I don't own an i device I should refrain from asking but I will anyway. What purpose does this server if you need to slice it on your pc/mac anyway. You could then just click Send to Printer in Slic3r and it is there.

Respondido : 07/09/2018 5:35 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Few use cases, someone shares a gcode file with you from any of those sources. Or you got or was given an stl in any of those sources that you upload to octoprint , slice in octoprint and then print

Respondido : 08/09/2018 12:25 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I still don't get the idea of Octoprint, here's why it is useless to me:

1. as "STL drag&drop" it's unusable. Slicing is very far from a simple process, at least for me. I always change something in S3D when slicing, it's never the same process. And S3D is not available on Octoprint
2. printing from Octoprint disables some features of MK3. The whole thing relies on Pi's OS. if it's CPU gets too busy, you are experiencing a choppy print. For example Pi Zero W with Camera ... totally useless because it cannot print and stream at the same time.
3. uploading to SD card via Octoprint API and starting the print via Octoprint GUI ... to me it feels like "well I have bought a Pi and spent an hour configuring Octoprint, so let's use it somehow now". That process is close to manual copying a GCODE to SD card, putting it into the printer and starting print there.
4. remote monitoring: mostly useless. I never leave printer unattended and I'm not THAT lazy to check the print 10m from my printer from an app. If the MK3 filament sensor triggers (fake alert) during print again, i have to pay my MK3 a visit in person anyway.
5. time-lapse recording: I really don't care much how the print evolves. Yeah it's nice to have it but it's not worth investing any time into configuration, camera placement, and so on. And I don't have any youtube channel, so recording those videos does not make any sense for me.

The only thing I appreciate is that I can get a Pushover message when the print is finished. But for this I don't need any Octoprint, this can be done using a simple Arduino sketch and for example ESP8266. But since I don't leave the printer unattended, no win here again ...

any successful implementation of Octoprint with some success story?

Respondido : 08/09/2018 9:16 pm
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Are there any mods you can make to Octoprint to move the extruder out of the way when using Pause?

And what about a filament change mid print?

I am really liking Octoprint.. But as I also have a FlashAir card I am struggling to see any benifits of using it, as there are some really nice features on the LCD that can be used when printing from SD.


Respondido : 12/09/2018 11:35 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Yeah that's what I call useless. MK3 features look good on the paper but if you want to connect officially supported Octoprint, most of them do not work by design.

There's not much you can do except looking for a Octoprint plugin which can do what you need. When you fully use Octoprint, forget about i3's display and many of mk3's features, it's useless when using Octoprint

Respondido : 17/09/2018 3:38 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I think there are lots of benefits, but it is a give and takes. I like the idea of receiving notifications of the print being complete, print statistics and monitoring the print on my iPad. ,

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 19/09/2018 4:45 am
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

For me as a private person, octoprint is a great benefit, since my printer resides in the cellar, and I'm modeling in the first or second floor.
It gives me the chance to observe the printer via webcam, abort a print in case of failure, adjust parameters mid-print, see the progress and even a more convenient way of setting preheat temperatures through the browser. Heck, I even can leave the house and still observe the printer (when doing lager prints that is unavoidable) -- of course secured via VPN. Oh, I paired it with a Raspberry pi 3, so the webcam is no issue at all. And there is no need to handle multiple SD-Cards, searching for them, forgetting them ... (I've been there). Of course one has to be physical present at the start and end of a print, but in the hours in between, normally no intervention is necessary.

Here at work, we use the octopi as as possibility to share the printer between the coworkers. Everybody con upload and start a print, and observe it. The room, the printers reside at quite a distance from the offices. So the people can see, when their print is finished (or problems arise) and do other work meanwhile.

So, in both cases, it is the possibility to have the printer at a different location, and do other things, while the printer prints. If the printer is in the same room, I'd also see no need for it, but often it isn't.

Respondido : 20/09/2018 2:27 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm testing Octoprint on Banana Pi Zero and it's beautiful. Well, the webcam connector seems to be different (wider).

same footprint, same size, same pin placement and order = fits MK3 EINSY board, the holder has to be modified a bit, I cut it.

The Banana Pi Zero has 4 cores and 512MB RAM, requires Wifi antenna connected and seems not to accept Pi camera but should work with USB cams.
Raspberry Pi Zero W has 1 core, 1024MB RAM, has antenna onboard and works with Pi Camera

the performance of Banana Pi is MASSIVELY improved when compared to Raspberry Pi Zero W.

just a thought, might help someone. It's worth the try, it costs from 16eur on aliexpress. I'm keeping the Banana

Respondido : 29/09/2018 8:39 am
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hi All, is the prusaprint link file in the guide broken? Can’t open the file! No end of file. Tried to download several times. Anybody else had this problem?


Respondido : 02/10/2018 8:59 pm
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm testing Octoprint on Banana Pi Zero and it's beautiful. Well, the webcam connector seems to be different (wider).

same footprint, same size, same pin placement and order = fits MK3 EINSY board, the holder has to be modified a bit, I cut it.

The Banana Pi Zero has 4 cores and 512MB RAM, requires Wifi antenna connected and seems not to accept Pi camera but should work with USB cams.
Raspberry Pi Zero W has 1 core, 1024MB RAM, has antenna onboard and works with Pi Camera

the performance of Banana Pi is MASSIVELY improved when compared to Raspberry Pi Zero W.

just a thought, might help someone. It's worth the try, it costs from 16eur on aliexpress. I'm keeping the Banana

Hello, I could dare you how to tan banana when installing linux and octoprint I have been trying to do it for 2 days and I still do not. Thanks

Respondido : 03/10/2018 9:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Yeah look for Armbian image for banana zero, that is equivalent to raspbian. You’ll need a hdmi monitor to set it up, at least wifi

Respondido : 03/10/2018 9:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Has the speed for data transfer to the printer sd card improved any during the last year?

Respondido : 22/10/2018 10:51 am
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips


Is it possible to change the "Prusa I3 MK3 ready." line to something useful?

When printing with prusaprint it shows usb % and time time left when using slic3r or time printing when using S3D. Temps, fan and Z height.

At the bottom row it says Prusa i3 Mk3 ready and I'd like to see something useful because the printer isn't ready.

Respondido : 24/10/2018 3:41 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Tonight I removed my Pi because it simply doesn't work with the MM2. I tried to print using a Single profile, and for whatever reason the printer didn't ask which filament, but tried using 2 (not loaded) WHen I did try to load that, it re-homed again and failed to advance the filament far enough to actually print.

I removed the Pi and printed from SD and everything worked fine.

I'm coming from a Duet Wifi so the Octoprint interface and performance leaves a *lot* to be desired. I'll stick to SD printing for now. Maybe I'll try again with octoprint in the future, but unless it changes significantly then it really doesn't meet my needs.

Respondido : 26/10/2018 6:47 am
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I just ordered my first Prusa i3 Mk3 and I'd like to use it with Octoprint like I do on my other Ender3.

I'm just wondering... Will the printer still use auto mesh leveling? If so, how?
And what about the other features like Power Panic, layer shift recovery etc? Will they be active without any special settings?

Thanks 🙂

Respondido : 07/11/2018 8:20 pm
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I'm not sure about power panic and crash detection, I doubt it.

Mesh bed leveling is in the gcode that will work with octoprint.

Respondido : 07/11/2018 9:54 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Octoprint works perfect, but powerpanic in this case doesn't, this was mentioned quite a lot. I guess that layer shift and crash detection work, because it's firmware thing, it doesn't matter who is the source. If you plan to print with octoprint your best bet is to get yourself UPS device. I have it for "normal" prints, , while for looong prints i still rather use SD card so that powerpanic is usable.

Respondido : 07/11/2018 10:16 pm
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