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OctoPrint issues and tips  

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Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I have a pie 3 that I am using only as a network cable device. This is because I simply have not succeded with geting it work as WiFi I have followed all instructions I think but still no go. Does any one have a set upp instruction for dummies. I can give my test ssid = testprusa and my test password is prusatest so please if you have a dummie instruction for me I would be glad. I can not find the PI 3 in my list of WiFi devices.

The problem was tjat the pis wi-fi was turned of ini the pi. Turned it on via terminal connection

Postato : 25/02/2018 10:45 pm
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hello, is there any ability to install rpi3 to the rpi port on the einsy? even if I had to make an extension cable?

Postato : 01/03/2018 11:42 am
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

will the einsy provide enough power to the rpi3?

Postato : 01/03/2018 11:46 am
Prominent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

will the einsy provide enough power to the rpi3?

No, you will need to power it separately via a USB power adapter

Postato : 01/03/2018 12:26 pm
Eminent Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

A question about Pis and Octoprints.. Once I have an SD card built for a Zero, can I just stick it in a Pi3 without config changes?

I have a Zero and Pi3 and wan't to evaluate the performance of each, so hope I can just swap the SD back and forth as I please.

Yes, you can swap the SD card between the pizero and pi3 just fine. I started with a pizero using my first printer (monoprice mini v2) since I knew i'd be able to plug it directly into my mk3 board when it arrived, but I quickly ran into issues with it maxing out it's CPU when printing anything round/circular and streaming/recording a timelapse. I bought a Pi3 and tossed the card in and now it's working great for printing and timelapses on the monoprice mini (though the stream is a bit jittery due to what seems to be the wifi bandwidth, still debugging). I'll prob try the zero on my Mk3 when i get it (should be shipping soon :D) but I'm betting I'll likey end up using the Pi3 since it's got a quad core cpu instead of a single core like the zero.

Postato : 01/03/2018 5:52 pm
Jeremy Williams
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I just assembled my Prusa MK3 and installed the latest firmware, just released today (3.1.2 Final). Unfortunately I can't get Octoprint (installed internally on a RPi Zero W) to connect to the MK3. I've followed all of the steps in the official guide, trying both "PrusaPrint" and starting with vanilla OctoPi. Anyone running 3.1.2 that can connect to OctoPrint? For me it just appears to time out about 30 seconds after hitting the Connect button.

Postato : 01/03/2018 11:38 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

still no reply, has anyone got a camera working with PI ZERO? any ideas?

Postato : 02/03/2018 9:46 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Camera is working, but is more or less useless... vga resolution with 10-15 fps max. If i set it to higher it just doesn't keep up...

Postato : 02/03/2018 12:49 pm
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Camera is working, but is more or less useless... vga resolution with 10-15 fps max. If i set it to higher it just doesn't keep up...

so did u use ribbon cable and melt a hole in the case to get the camera out? or other means

Postato : 02/03/2018 10:51 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I have 30cm ribbon cable and i found a case on thingiverse. I didn't mount camera on printer, though, because like i said, picture is too bad for my taste. I will rather mount classic 2MP IP camera near printer and view it via application. In any way i print from SD, not via octoprint. At the moment i do't see benefits. Bu, you never know... 🙂

Postato : 03/03/2018 8:57 am
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Camera is working, but is more or less useless... vga resolution with 10-15 fps max. If i set it to higher it just doesn't keep up...

so did u use ribbon cable and melt a hole in the case to get the camera out? or other means

Assuming you are talking about a Zero mounted on the Einsy, you need to think about using this:

Makes the whole process of installation and maintenance much more simple.

Postato : 03/03/2018 12:12 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I had a thought, to help the short camera ribbon cable on the pie zero w, how about using a 7x2 ribbon cable to act like an extension so the pie can be mounted outside the einsy case? or second, if power is a concern to has the zero w powered by USB adapter and have the power leads for the serial einsy connection disconnected so the 5 volts is not connected from einsy and pie zero w USB adapter? just a thought ❓ max lenght of the camera cable I can find was 30cm.

Postato : 04/03/2018 4:01 pm
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

I have developed a workable solution to mounting the RPi camera (V2) in a fixed position to the heatbed of the MK3 with minimal ribbon cable and a decent angle of view for timelapse video in OctoPrint. It consists of a camera mount that replaces the underside cable retention module on the existing headbed and an alternate version of the Einsy case to accommodate rear access to the RPi Zero W. Check out the parts at the links below and by all means feel free to comment.

Stay crafty my friends!

Postato : 05/03/2018 10:23 pm
New Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Is this a custom Octoprint distro for the MK3?
Can the MK3 work with the stock Octoprint?
Does Octoprint become the spooler or does it still copy to SD and start form there?
Do things like crash detection and all the other niceties like filament sensor still work via OctoPrint?

Postato : 07/03/2018 2:27 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Is this a custom Octoprint distro for the MK3?
Can the MK3 work with the stock Octoprint?


Does Octoprint become the spooler or does it still copy to SD and start form there?

It can do both. I usally use octoprint as the spooler since uploading to the sd card via octoprint goes via the usb port and is very slow.

Do things like crash detection and all the other niceties like filament sensor still work via OctoPrint?

Some things do and some don't. I don't have a full list but power fail does not work. Crash detection does seem to work. Perhaps someone else can reply about other featrues since I have not tried to test all the new MK3 features.

Postato : 07/03/2018 4:22 pm
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

Hi all,

I have done the Prusa install on a new fresh card 25GB. Now only 1,8gb is showing, and a warning is active about the remaining free space. How do I use the full capacity of my card?

- Raspberry W
- 25 gb card
- Prusa ''baked'' Octoprint version

Postato : 11/03/2018 8:31 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint issues and tips

There are many ways to expand the usage to the full sd card.

Here are some from a quick google.

Postato : 11/03/2018 7:28 pm
Active Member
Setup of OctoPi on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with HD Webcam for Original Prusa i3 MK3

Great instructions on how to setup your customized OctoPi image "PrusaPrint". I used it on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B instead of the Raspberry Pi Zero W, because I wanted to make sure I could use a HD webcam without problems. It worked great out of the box, except I couldn't make the expansion of the file system work in the configuration of the Raspberry Pi. I finally used OctoPi and created a profile with the setting you used in "PrusaPrint". It works like a charm. I created a YouTube video with the complete setup and the printing of a case for the Raspberry Pi showing OctoPi in action . Make sure to select 1080p HD as your video resolution in your YouTube window - Settings - Quality. Thanks a lot!!!

Postato : 13/03/2018 11:25 pm
New Member
Re: Protip: Raspberry Pi Zero WH has the GPIO header pre-installed:

Pre-ordered my Mk 3 and although I have multiple Pis sitting around, I did not have a Zero to manage the wireless printing functionality.

Went looking for one tonight and what should I find?

WiFi PLUS a pre-soldered GPIO array! Done!

I'm going to buy this and try it out by clipping off the extra pins. I'm not convinced they need to be as long as the instructions say. Will let you know the outcome.

Postato : 14/03/2018 7:03 am
Honorable Member
Re: Protip: Raspberry Pi Zero WH has the GPIO header pre-installed:

Pre-ordered my Mk 3 and although I have multiple Pis sitting around, I did not have a Zero to manage the wireless printing functionality.

Went looking for one tonight and what should I find?

WiFi PLUS a pre-soldered GPIO array! Done!

I'm going to buy this and try it out by clipping off the extra pins. I'm not convinced they need to be as long as the instructions say. Will let you know the outcome.


You need 6 pins and ONLY 6 pins.. if you connect with the entire strip you will put bad signals (ie 24v) into the Pi.

Postato : 14/03/2018 9:41 am
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