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MK3S time based maintenance question  

Active Member
MK3S time based maintenance question

Hello all! I need some advice. I have a MK3S I purchased back in 2018, and it has seen on/off usage ever since (I am guessing probably no more than 100-150 days print time total, primarily PLA with a handful of PETG prints) with a couple car trips thrown in for fun. It has been printing beautifully without issue. For the most part I have kept up with basic maintenance when I have been printing. My question is, at this point, giving the length of time since purchase, should I do a more thorough overhaul? IE strip it down to check rods for wear/straightness, thorough cleaning, potentially replace bearing sleeves (up in the air on this one based on the needing to pack with grease/ok from factory debate), not sure if belts would need replacing, etc. I am planning on purchasing a new printer (up for debate on which one currently) so I am more looking at keeping this one in good working order rather than mod/etc (unless someone has better fans they can recommend, the current method of speed control causes a ticking sound when not at full speed).

Posted : 19/09/2024 2:24 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S time based maintenance question

I would consider your printer new. If you want something to make it better, consider the Prusa + upgrade for your printer and also get the Hemera Revo extruder upgrade with a 0.6 nozzle to replace your 0.4 nozzle.

Both of these made a great improvement for my printer.

Posted : 19/09/2024 5:28 pm