Re: MK3S - New printer model
I am going to ask a really noob question here. I hoping I could just print the parts and do the upgrade my self but I am not seeing the list of needed non-printable parts (ie. screws, nuts and steel ball). Did I miss it somewhere or do I need to read the assembly manual make my own parts list?
Re: MK3S - New printer model
Kit shipped today with printed parts - ordered 13 Feb.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Re: MK3S - New printer model
I ordered mine on the 13th also (with printed parts) and just received it today. It shipped 2 days ago.
Honestly, I was surprised because I was expecting at least a 2 week lead time because of the printed parts and the expected high volume of orders (and vouchers).
See my (limited) designs on:
Printables -
Thingiverse -
Re: MK3S - New printer model
I ordered two kits with the more expensive shipping option on the 13th. They haven't shipped.
Re: MK3S - New printer model
I am going to ask a really noob question here. I hoping I could just print the parts and do the upgrade my self but I am not seeing the list of needed non-printable parts (ie. screws, nuts and steel ball). Did I miss it somewhere or do I need to read the assembly manual make my own parts list?
You need to order the mechanical upgrade kit including the IR-sensor (easy way) ... or you look at the MK3s assembly guide and write down the screw sizes etc. and source on your own (hard way) ... you could also order some specific spare parts through the Prusa shop (but why not buying the upgrade kit then).
Printing the parts is for sure possible and easy - only question is if you want/are able to print the nozzle fan in PC/ABS (which is advised due to temp stability).
Hope that answers your question ...
MK3 kit B7-R3 / custom FW v3.5.1 with 7x7 MBL
Slic3r PE v1.41.2
Re: MK3S - New printer model
Since now the light does not need to be reflected but instead the sensor is checking how much the light is blocked, I assume that we can now easily print the extruder in any filament we like as long as the lever blocks light. Usually the housing of the sensor is sufficiently shielded to block any stray light from the outside (i.e. the sun), where the original sensor had issues.
Re: MK3S - New printer model
The upgraded filament sensor is a cool improvement. I get false run out readings on several colors of filament, particularly transparent black.
But it would be way better to have a sensor that can actually detect when the filament stops moving.
I have had this happen due to clogs in the nozzle, set screw backing out of of the drive gear, tangled filament etc. None of which are detected by the stock MK3 or MK2.5 sensor or this upgrade. Granted, most of these are due to my own stupidity but happen at least as often as running out of filament.