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Reputable Member

Pushed back again. Hopefully with the delays the printers that get shipped will have fewer problems and more of the bugs will be worked out. Well I expect the next round of complaints will start now.

Anticipa-a-a-a-tion is making me wait,


Veröffentlicht : 01/02/2018 2:31 pm
Martin Stoufer
Estimable Member

...with something in the stock that printed PETG

Veröffentlicht : 01/02/2018 6:33 pm
Trusted Member

what are the odds that the delayed orders with the powder-coated sheet be shipped the same time as the separate orders of the mk3 mmu? 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 02/02/2018 12:33 am
Trusted Member

When will the mk2 to mk3 upgrade start shipping, late jan has passed

Veröffentlicht : 02/02/2018 8:26 pm
New Member

Looking at the product page the for the Original Prusa i3 MK2/S to MK3 upgrade kit, it seems the shipping date has slipped as it now shows 'Available to preorder! Shipping starts mid-February 2018, new orders in April 2018!'

It would have been nice if those of use who have ordered the upgrade received some comm's from PR explaining why our orders had been delayed instead of quietly updating the product page...
It would also be a nice idea if the upgrades were added to the 'shipping table/spread sheet' available for those who ordered either the MK3 assembled or Kit, after all, we've payed for a product too.

Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2018 11:49 am
New Member

Seconded. I’ve been waiting for a printer since JULY and no communications unless I oester customer support and that usually leads to more money out of my pocket. Starting to get frustrating.

Have a nice day

Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2018 3:57 pm
Mitglied Moderator

I have to hand it to you guys at Prusa: top-notch quality and service!

Ordered Nov 5, left Prague yesterday and arrived at my doorstep this morning.

I unpacked the MK3, put it on my perfectly matching anti-vibration mat from Amazon, followed the first-run flowchart in the manual, and started to print. Very thoughtful of you to put everything needed in the box down to the glue stick, and including an array of tools even for the pre-assembled units.

I've been printing all day long: a headset rest for my PC monitor, a thumb grip for my girlfriend's camera, caps for our trekking poles, and the obligatory gear gadget. Flawless print quality out of the box with every print, everything popped right off and looked perfect, no technical issues and no extruder problems whatsoever. I hope it goes on like this. Wow, and thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 08/02/2018 12:17 am
Trusted Member

Any idea if Prusa received their texture bed sheet? or when Prusa will roll out the orders with the texture bed sheet?

Veröffentlicht : 08/02/2018 2:02 am
Active Member

Looking at the product page the for the Original Prusa i3 MK2/S to MK3 upgrade kit, it seems the shipping date has slipped as it now shows 'Available to preorder! Shipping starts mid-February 2018, new orders in April 2018!'

It would have been nice if those of use who have ordered the upgrade received some comm's from PR explaining why our orders had been delayed instead of quietly updating the product page...
It would also be a nice idea if the upgrades were added to the 'shipping table/spread sheet' available for those who ordered either the MK3 assembled or Kit, after all, we've payed for a product too.

Glad to know I'm not the only one getting frustrated with this. It seems like we're just not that big of a market share to really matter or care about. I understand delays, but some communication about when it will ship or delays would be nice. I feel like because we didn't order a brand new MK3 we're being pushed to the bottom of the list and ignored. I know some may give me crap about this, but I'm not really a person to ever complain about anything. I usually just sit quietly and wait its just becoming frustrating after 4 months.

Veröffentlicht : 12/02/2018 6:59 am
New Member

Can we get an update on the shipping table? Last update came 1. feb. Hope your planing to update this more frequent then ones a month.
Every monday would help out a lot! 🙂

Keep up the good work!

Veröffentlicht : 12/02/2018 7:09 am
Reputable Member

I unpacked the MK3, put it on my perfectly matching anti-vibration mat from Amazon, followed the first-run flowchart in the manual, and started to print.

Do you have a link to that mat? It looks nice, and I can’t seem to find it...


When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Veröffentlicht : 12/02/2018 11:30 am
Chris P
Eminent Member

I unpacked the MK3, put it on my perfectly matching anti-vibration mat from Amazon, followed the first-run flowchart in the manual, and started to print.

Do you have a link to that mat? It looks nice, and I can’t seem to find it...


Think this is it:

Veröffentlicht : 12/02/2018 7:28 pm
Trusted Member

On a fun note, the boxes are now actually MK3 boxes, not just a MK3 sticker!

Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2018 1:44 am
Mitglied Moderator

Do you have a link to that mat? It looks nice, and I can’t seem to find it...

Think this is it:

The one I purchased is here:

In fact, it might be identical to the one Chris mentioned. At least, the material looks the same to me.

Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2018 8:29 pm
Trusted Member

where the hell are the upgrade kits, starting to get pissed off by the lack of communication

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2018 2:16 pm
Trusted Member

support just confirmed me that the upgrade kits are delayed once again to end of the month, expect another delay after that

show the mk2 owners some love Prusa !!!!!!!!!!

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2018 2:46 pm
Active Member

support just confirmed me that the upgrade kits are delayed once again to end of the month, expect another delay after that

show the mk2 owners some love Prusa !!!!!!!!!!

Yep, I got the same response back from support today and I agree. If it gets delayed again past the end of this month I'll be cancelling my order.

Veröffentlicht : 14/02/2018 6:53 pm
Active Member
Re: MK3 Upgrade Kits Are Not Shipping

I do not usually write this sort of post. But I am disappointed and VERY angry.

I purchased a MK2 on September 11, 2017. 10 days later the MK3 was announced. On Nov 3 I placed my order for a MK3 upgrade kit and paid USD $464 in full to Prusa Research. That was almost 4 months ago. I talked with customer support today and they could not even estimate when my upgrade kit will ship.

If there were some problem other than lack of production capacity causing the delays it would be more understandable. But new MK3's have been shipping for more than a month, and Prusa Research has a production schedule for new MK3's ordered even TODAY. But no schedule for kits ordered last November other than a vague "they might start shipping in late February" from customer support. Or, they might not. If you can ship a printer you can obviously ship half the parts needed to build one. But only if you want to.

So what is the problem? Rather than warning us that - some - new product was going to be announced in September, the company kept the MK3 a big secret which caused folks like me to get stuck with a MK2 that was obsolete before I even opened the box. Good for their revenue, bad for the rest of us. This same thinking led the company to ship months worth of new MK3 orders before shipping a single upgrade kit. I can not read Mr. Prusa's mind so I must give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he has some plan that does not include a play to maximize short term revenue at the expense of existing customers. Maybe it is just a reflection of his or his production team's inexperience running a fast growing company. Then again, maybe not. Either way the result disregards and disrespects existing customers.

So, two strikes for Prusa Research. One when they sold me a USD $699 obsolete product, and another when they sat on my USD $464 for four months with no clear intention to ship.

I just canceled my order. Maybe if enough orders are cancelled they will get the message.

Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2018 6:28 am
Active Member
Re: MK3 Upgrade Kits Are Not Shipping

I do not usually write this sort of post. But I am disappointed and VERY angry.

I purchased a MK2 on September 11, 2017. 10 days later the MK3 was announced. On Nov 3 I placed my order for a MK3 upgrade kit and paid USD $464 in full to Prusa Research. That was almost 4 months ago. I talked with customer support today and they could not even estimate when my upgrade kit will ship.

If there were some problem other than lack of production capacity causing the delays it would be more understandable. But new MK3's have been shipping for more than a month, and Prusa Research has a production schedule for new MK3's ordered even TODAY. But no schedule for kits ordered last November other than a vague "they might start shipping in late February" from customer support. Or, they might not. If you can ship a printer you can obviously ship half the parts needed to build one. But only if you want to.

So what is the problem? Rather than warning us that - some - new product was going to be announced in September, the company kept the MK3 a big secret which caused folks like me to get stuck with a MK2 that was obsolete before I even opened the box. Good for their revenue, bad for the rest of us. This same thinking led the company to ship months worth of new MK3 orders before shipping a single upgrade kit. I can not read Mr. Prusa's mind so I must give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he has some plan that does not include a play to maximize short term revenue at the expense of existing customers. Maybe it is just a reflection of his or his production team's inexperience running a fast growing company. Then again, maybe not. Either way the result disregards and disrespects existing customers.

So, two strikes for Prusa Research. One when they sold me a USD $699 obsolete product, and another when they sat on my USD $464 for four months with no clear intention to ship.

I just canceled my order. Maybe if enough orders are cancelled they will get the message.

I find myself in the same situation and have the same feelings towards this. I understand production delays and just that crap happens, but I'm irritated by the fact there has no official announcement on delays or even an ETA on shipping. The only way to find out they're delaying them is to keep showing up to the store to see the shipping has been delayed. It also seems crazy that MK3 placed months after the upgrade kits are already shipping and no change in upgrade kits not even a schedule. It seems to me the kits should be easier to get out the door since they do not even require printed parts they are just sticking filament in a box for us to print them. It just kind of feels like there is no loyalty to existing customers who already own printers.

Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2018 7:35 pm
Trusted Member

I too am waiting for the mk3, but I'm not upset, nor this is a rant, just be patient, I understand your frustrations. I did opt to hold back my mk3 for the texture build plate, I'm new to 3d printing and this will be my first printer, I do enjoy reading all kinds of posts from this forum it really helps a lot and keeps me coming back, Heres some ideas that can help pass the time.

search for 3d printing on YouTube tonnes of info, on technics, printing ideas, etc.
searching for a filament supplier with decent pricing.
learn to use a slicing program, fusion 360, or meshmixer ( lots of videos on YT that can help).
start building your 3d toolkit ( tweezers, deburring and reamer tools, cleaning, acetone/ alcohol pads or bottle, side cutters) just to name a few.
setup Octopi if you like ( to take your printer to another level).

I learned more about 3d printing than just looking at my order history.

Veröffentlicht : 24/02/2018 2:48 am
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