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Stránka 11 / 11
Eminent Member

Basically they avoid answering the question and continue to show knowingly wrong information to new potential customers.

This has been my major complaint with the entire process. I can handle delays. I can't handle misinformation.

Napsal : 08/05/2018 8:31 pm
Trusted Member

Basically they avoid answering the question and continue to show knowingly wrong information to new potential customers.

This has been my major complaint with the entire process. I can handle delays. I can't handle misinformation.

I can handle misinformation, but I would rather not

Napsal : 08/05/2018 8:37 pm
Trusted Member

This has been my major complaint with the entire process. I can handle delays. I can't handle misinformation.

Agreed, this is the only company I have ever dealt with where they can delay a delivery by a week, then a month, then another couple of weeks, then another 10 days (. . . and so on) . . . and at no stage have it occur to them that it might be a good idea to contact the customer via email to update them or maybe even update the shipping table . . . . it find it really bizarre, I can only guess that their order book is so full that they really don't have to go out of their way to please customers, they can treat them like **** and it's really not going to make much of a difference if a customer cancels their order as there is another customer already waiting to join the queue.

Like you say delays are frustrating but the lack of information / communication is what really causes problems and destroys trust.

Napsal : 08/05/2018 11:10 pm
Eminent Member

FYI... if your waiting for your printer and you ordered it with the powder coated sheet. Dont expect it any time soon. Per the shipping table. The first statement at the bottom says they are shipping all kits with PEI sheet. This isnt true. As explained to me in chat,

Ok, let me explain. The textured sheets are in development yet. They should be available in late May 2018. The orders with textured sheets will be shipped as soon as sheets will be avaialble for exactly order, thanks to huge demand the lead time for MK3 w/ Textured sheet is longer.

7:54 am
We wont shipped MK3 with PEI sheet instead the Textured sheet, when you could choose the sheet sir. It is not able for a new orders.

I have contacted prusa at least 5 times asking for an update. They just now brought it to my attention. Last time it was delayed because i asked for a signature. They told me Mr. Prusa is very busy so I said I dont want the sig anymore. Now this. Holy cow this is getting nuts from a consumer side. I ordered March 12th (week 11)

Napsal : 09/05/2018 3:00 pm
Eminent Member

This has been my major complaint with the entire process. I can handle delays. I can't handle misinformation.

Totally agree. Ordered my MK3 kit in Week10, supposedly shipping 'from' May 3, but Week 9 ('from April 30') orders are still not shipping, and staggering the dates by 4 or 5 days, then not updating anything for a fortnight, is perplexing me, to say the least.

Also, the word 'from', in this context, is just bull*.

My emails to support are just hitting a black hole. I've been querying the work of fiction that is the shipping table, but I'm being ignored, which is p*ng me off large.

Seems the new business model, for the 'tech generation', whether it be a chancer having e-bikes built in the Far East, or a dude with a mega popular 3D printer to sell, is to get your cash up front, and *then* go buy their materials with it. Zero risk, zero capital outlay, and nice work if you can get it.

Meantime, wastrels on YT, all vying with each other for click revenue, to save them from getting a job, and therefore merely spewing out carbon copies of each others' "reviews" (yawn), etc., etc., are shoving their freebies in our faces, while Prusa revels in the increased sales that result from this aspect of their business model.

Bearing in mind the quote above, I'd rather they just said, "Four months lead times, dude! We're expanding too fast, and cannot cope. Cheers!"

I'd be ok with that, as I'd be in possession of data with which to make an informed decision.

Propagating data, then continually amending it on a totally ad hoc basis, is:

a: bonkers, and:

b: *could* be interpreted as fraudulent misrepresentation, as it manifestly creates a situation whereby customers who might take their business elsewhere if they were told the absolute truth, are instead contributing to the cashflow/profits of the company issuing the misinformation.

No update on the shipping table for over two weeks (as I write), and no reply to my emails for over 48 hours, just ain't good enough...


Napsal : 09/05/2018 6:05 pm
Trusted Member

My emails to support are just hitting a black hole. I've been querying the work of fiction that is the shipping table, but I'm being ignored, which is p****ng me off large.

Yep, they simply avoid any questions about the shipping table - you can ask as many times as you like "why is the shipping table not updated" and they will simply answer a different question . . .

"why is the shipping table not updated"

We are shipping more than X hundred printers a day

"Yeah, that's great but why is the shipping table not updated"

Prusa is a market leader in the 3D printer business

"great, but why is the shipping table not updated"

By June lead times will be much shorter

"great, but why is the shipping table not updated"

. . . . etc etc

Bearing in mind the quote above, I'd rather they just said, "Four months lead times, dude! We're expanding too fast, and cannot cope. Cheers!"

I'd be ok with that, as I'd be in possession of data with which to make an informed decision.

Absolutely agree, I was tasked with the job of speccing printers for an art college in the north of England, we'd initially gone with the Mk3 (for ease of use / great reviews ), but had to drop that option when it became clear that communication / information was so poor and repeated ongoing delays were so common, not 100% sure what was specced in the end (been away for weeks) I'm pretty sure it would have been the Wanhao i3s.

*could* be interpreted as fraudulent misrepresentation, as it manifestly creates a situation whereby customers who might take their business elsewhere if they were told the absolute truth, are instead contributing to the cashflow/profits of the company issuing the misinformation.

I like your asterisks around 'could' (did your lawyer advise you) : P

Yep, completely agree 100% . . . it sets up a situation were customers are given wrong information with which to make their purchasing descision - wrong information that favours Prusa.

Napsal : 09/05/2018 6:39 pm
Trusted Member

My order is on the the way, shipped today, said to arrive on the 15th, I'm no mathematical genius, but I make that 6 days (or 4 working days).

So why are we paying €20 for '2 days UPS Standard' . . . when the shipping takes 6 days ?

Napsal : 09/05/2018 6:51 pm
Eminent Member

"why is the shipping table not updated"

We are shipping more than X hundred printers a day

"Yeah, that's great but why is the shipping table not updated"

Prusa is a market leader in the 3D printer business

"great, but why is the shipping table not updated"

By June lead times will be much shorter

"great, but why is the shipping table not updated"

. . . . etc etc


I'm far from alone, obviously, and a problem shared is still a PITA... 😆

I like your asterisks around 'could' (did your lawyer advise you) : P

Haha! No, I'm taking the cowardly, "Don't p*** them off, in case they delay your order even further, out of spite" route... 🙄


Napsal : 09/05/2018 6:58 pm
Trusted Member

I'm far from alone, obviously, and a problem shared is still a PITA... 😆

Yep! Lol . . . talking to support / LiveChat is an exercise in frustration.

Haha! No, I'm taking the cowardly, "Don't p*** them off, in case they delay your order even further, out of spite" route... 🙄

Lol, probably a good idea 😆

Napsal : 10/05/2018 2:57 am
Eminent Member

Haha! No, I'm taking the cowardly, "Don't p*** them off, in case they delay your order even further, out of spite" route... 🙄

I have this fear that I've reached that stage now. I didn't really filter my feelings when I spoke with customer support the other day... 😐

Napsal : 10/05/2018 7:12 am
Active Member

Hello to all! Specially registered to ask - why you are not sending to Russia? Prejudice? Politics? There is even Atlantis on the shipping list, it seems. But Russia is not! Why?

Napsal : 12/07/2019 12:28 pm
Illustrious Member
Posted by: skonik

Hello to all! Specially registered to ask - why you are not sending to Russia? Prejudice? Politics? There is even Atlantis on the shipping list, it seems. But Russia is not! Why?

Is there some history between the Czech Republic and Russia? 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 12/07/2019 2:15 pm
Estimable Member

No doubt there is history...


But I doubt that is the reason why Prusa is not shipping to Russia. Maybe some customs issues?


You can always contact Prusa by Email and ask them. The forum might not be the perfect place to ask.


If you look at the map there seem to be a few Prusa printers in Russia.

Napsal : 12/07/2019 2:24 pm
Stránka 11 / 11