Many new printed parts on GitHub
There are new and refined parts on GitHub.
I can not summarize what is new but several changes were made.
Seems from commit history the wiggly belt might be gone!!!
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Incredible. I've waited all this time for the updated parts then the weekend I decide to print a set of Mk3 extruder parts for my coming 2.5 upgrade, they wait until I have printed about 90% then post the updates.
Sure sucks to be me. 👿
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
@alfred, man that is bad timing:-)
It is all I hoped for!
New x belt holder system including belt tightening system!
So cool!
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Big changes in X carriage too
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Would you provide a link?
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Can you pass me the link ?. I'm seeing here and I cant find anything. Thank you very much.
Best regards
Owner of a Prusa i3 MK3
Follow me on Twitter: @jose_photo_bn
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Thank you very much grzegorz.k.
Owner of a Prusa i3 MK3
Follow me on Twitter: @jose_photo_bn
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Do you guys print your parts in PETG, like the originals, or do you use something else like PLA?
XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Also any recommendations on infill?
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Can anyone provide pictures? Possibly side by side with the old ones? I'm at work now but if no one is able to I'll try to post pictures later this evening.
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
i am waiting for my mk3, it was shipped out ont 6/2.
don't know use r1 or r2 parts
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
You can easily check the differences between versions on github. Changes will be highlited on the wireframe of the selected part in Green and Red.
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
You can easily check the differences between versions on github. Changes will be highlited on the wireframe of the selected part in Green and Red.
Ahh thanks, I viewed it on Mobile and it didn't show the model just the code. Viewing it in desktop mode allowed me to view the models, didn't know github had model viewing.
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
My x-belt has been rubbing itself into dust, so going to try the new x-carriage and idler. In a few posts people say the factory is doing .35 layers? Any ideas about best infill percentage/pattern and top/bottom/perimeter shells?
I've got some MakerGeeks crystal orange PETG that prints well and have had better luck using Simplify 3Ds built in MK3 profiles instead of Slic3r/Prusa Control.
Debating between "fast" which is .3 layers, 3 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 perimeters, 15% rectilinear and their "medium" which is .2 layers, 3 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 perimeters, 20% rectilinear. Almost wonder if doing "fast" with 20% or more infill is the way to go?
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
My Pinda breaks overnight, necessitating an amount of rebuild... and at the same moment new parts come out that I want to print before a rebuild.
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Can anyone provide pictures? Possibly side by side with the old ones? I'm at work now but if no one is able to I'll try to post pictures later this evening.
There are all major changes (left R2, right R1):
All other changes are quite minor (clearance, tolerance, etc.).
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Awesome. But any chance this is some kind of "early release" of the parts? And that more/different X carriage parts are coming? I assumed there would be an official announcement from PRUSA when the parts were released. But maybe not?
Don't want to spend time printing them if there are more changes to come...
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Awesome. But any chance this is some kind of "early release" of the parts? And that more/different X carriage parts are coming? I assumed there would be an official announcement from PRUSA when the parts were released. But maybe not?
Don't want to spend time printing them if there are more changes to come...
They've been posted to the official printed parts page:
The date on the MK3 .zip file is today and all the changed parts are marked R2.
I'd say it's a good bet these are final for now, of course there could be a R3 someday but probably not very soon.
Re: Many new printed parts on GitHub
Awesome. But any chance this is some kind of "early release" of the parts? And that more/different X carriage parts are coming? I assumed there would be an official announcement from PRUSA when the parts were released. But maybe not?
Don't want to spend time printing them if there are more changes to come...
They've been posted to the official printed parts page:
The date on the MK3 .zip file is today and all the changed parts are marked R2.
I'd say it's a good bet these are final for now, of course there could be a R3 someday but probably not very soon.
Cool thanks. I guess I'll give them a whirl then. Will report back once I print and rebuild.