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Large print  

Active Member
Large print

Hi, I'm planning to print something bigger and the filament (prusament) will not be enough with one spool. I know that there is a function for adding more filament when it runs out. But the print is estimated for 2,5 days and will use 1300grams and I don't know when the first spool will run out, maybe in the night.

Is there any problem letting it wait 5-10 hours before loading the second spool or should I keep an eye and load the spool as soon as possible?

Is it goint to stay hot during the waiting, both nozzle and heatbed?

Posted : 12/02/2020 9:32 am
RE: Large print

In theory the bed should stay hot, but the nozzle will cool and reheat once you go to do the actual change. But I can't say for sure as that could be quite a long time for it to sit idle.

If you have two spools of filament, why not:

-Start the print

- at some point during the print when it's convenient but after you've used more than 300g (assuming the second spool is full) of the first spool, manually change with the tune menu to the second spool

- rest of print completes with the majority of the second spool, no further user interaction required.

Sure, you're now left with two partial spools instead of one empty and one full, but then you can use the runout sensing on some other print when you are more likely to be around when it runs out.

Posted : 12/02/2020 12:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Large print


Thanks that's a good idea, will do that!

Always a bit nervous to fiddle with the print as it is printing so maybe I'll try change filament during a smaller print just to try it 🤓

Posted : 12/02/2020 12:13 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Large print


That's what I'd do in that situation if I 'had' to use 1kg rolls.  Its probably the best case scenario.

Last helmet I printed (with a 60 hour print time) I just bought 2.3kg spools so I didn't have to worry about it 🙂

Posted : 12/02/2020 1:09 pm
vintagepc liked
Prominent Member
RE: Large print

I would be cautious about relying on the last bit of the spool to trigger the pause. I've heard horror stories of the tail end of the filament not cleanly releasing from the spool and jamming the print without the printer realizing. I've personally had the tail end of the filament come off the spool fine, but the kink in the filament where it hooked to the spool to attach it to the spool during manufacture catching in the hole in the top of my extruder, jamming the filament without the printer realizing. Either of those situations would ruin your print.

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Posted : 21/02/2020 5:36 am
Prominent Member
RE: Large print

I wonder if it is possible to add a second switch in series on the MK3 or use the input for the MK3s on the Mk3 as a secondary filament trigger to detect runout of filament, and or lifting of the reel if using a reverse bowden type feed. Hmmm I know the Mk3 firmware throws an error if the input is connected and won't allow you to do anything at the moment, but the Mk3s may be a simpler beast to modify.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Posted : 21/02/2020 12:31 pm
RE: Large print

That's how it works on the MMU; the FINDA is the primary runout sensor, rather than the E-door. 

That has its own set of issues but the idea is valid.

Posted : 21/02/2020 2:01 pm