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is there sealant nozzle compound/gel/etc...?  

Estimable Member
is there sealant nozzle compound/gel/etc...?

is there a compound/gel/etc.. that we can put on a nozzle or heat break that will help either stay in more the heat block and loosen up over time, causing leaks?

Posted : 21/05/2020 8:49 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: is there sealant nozzle compound/gel/etc...?

Proper assembly is the key here.  Read the E3D V6 assembly instructions and follow them to the letter.

The common problem most people do is to not provide for the nozzle to firmly seal against the heatbreak.  A clue this is not right is if the nozzle hex is in contact with the aluminum heater block.  There should be a gap of about one turn of threads on the nozzle-block interface.  Anything less and you will get leaks.

Posted : 21/05/2020 11:58 pm