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I'm Stuck and can't print anything anymore  

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Honorable Member
Re: I'm Stuck and can't print anything anymore

No, I want the biggest feature on the Mk2, Mk2s, Mk2.5 and Mk3 to work consistently. But I was just wondering, not trying to upset anyone.

Actually, what firmware are you running? Lots of changes to PINDA and bed leveling on 3.2

the RC seems very much improved over any previous versions I've tried. Still not nearly as consistent as I'm used to on my mini, but its a start. The extrusion consistency is horrendous, though. Something must have changed since mk2 users are reporting issues now as well, and I have flawless layers on earlier prints.

Publié : 24/04/2018 2:13 am
Reputable Member
Re: I'm Stuck and can't print anything anymore

-move to first point
-step the nozzle down until you've achieved your desired clearance using a sheet of paper
-click the wheel, printer remembers the exact height at the the first point regardless of the probe

-move to second point

Your idea only works if you do the manual process before each print.
Doing this on a cold bed will not work when you warm up the bed as the bed's shape changes when it gets hot.
The task of the PINDA sensor is to measure and store the Z level that can vary from print to print.

I previously had a printer (M3D Pro) where the calibration had to be done manually just your "paper method". That printer I returned within a week because the calibration was a disaster.
When the bed was heated, the shape change was so great that it was impossible to make a correct printout.

The manufacturer of M3D Pro did not care about my comments on the poor design of the bed (which bent 2mm when heated).
M3D solved the "problem" by banning me from their forums.

Oh, I think I remember you. You got banned? Wow. My Pro died before Christmas, it hasn’t been fixed yet. It really makes me appreciate the MK3

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"

Publié : 24/04/2018 3:02 am
Prominent Member
Re: I'm Stuck and can't print anything anymore

Oh, I think I remember you. You got banned? Wow. My Pro died before Christmas, it hasn’t been fixed yet. It really makes me appreciate the MK3.

Hi Joe, nice to remember me 😀
There were more people at the forum who were disappointed with their Pro, and one of the users told me about Prusa machines.
So that day I got my Pro money back, I ordered a Prusa MK3, and I have never regretted that.
Happy printing!

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Publié : 24/04/2018 9:25 am
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