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Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.  

Active Member
Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.

As you can see my hotted is totally molten and as ai tried to rescue the hotend it got destroyed.

So does somebody had similar issues? How could I prevent it from happening again.

I had printed for 1 Year on a any cubic and got so frustrated because of the constant maintenance and bad prints.

Now I own a Prusa i3mk3s and a mmu2s for 3 Month and I already broke a hotend.

Ive printed around 3kg of PLA so far and besides some trouble with flex filaments I´m really happy with the result and the usability.

I use the original Prusaslicer 2.2.0 with Prusament PLA on stock settings. 

Posted : 05/04/2020 7:38 pm
Active Member
RE: Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.

I had the same issue a couple of weeks ago that required a total rebuild of the extruder.  In my case the PLA melted the extruder body and x-carriage.  From what I understand issues like this (extruder blobs) are usually caused by poor adhesion in the first layers.  In my case I had switched to a .6 nozzle and suspect the first layer was not properly calibrated (though I went through the first layer cal) and caused a blob. 

Best bet is to re-run your first layer calibration and always watch the first few layers.  Prusa has a video about blobs and says that in almost all cases it happens at the beginning of the print and is related to adhesion issues in the first layers. 


Sorry for your trouble - best of luck getting the new hot end assembled.  

Posted : 06/04/2020 8:28 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.

My first guess is that there is a leak between the bottom of the heatbreak and the top of the nozzle inside the block - especially if we have just done a nozzle swap. The interface between the heatbrake and the nozzle inside the block **must** be tightened (finger pressure only) correctly to avoid a leak and a blob of doom. I suggest E3d website for hot tightening procedure.




Posted : 07/04/2020 6:14 am
Trusted Member
RE: Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.

What you have in the blob is most likely: heat break, heater block, nozzle, thermistor and heater cartridge all of them should be available as spare parts in case you want to buy new ones.
Also looks like you have the fan shroud for the part cooling fan as well, this one is printed in ASA to resist heat better.

But i suggest you first try to salvage as much as possible from the blob and see what comes out, be careful with the cables because they are very thin.
Maybe a heat gun can soften the plastic so you can remove it, but be careful both to yourself and the blob.


Regarding preventing this, well...
Don't leave the printer unattended for the first layer or two so you can see that it sticks well to the plate.
You may also consider getting one of those blue silicone socks, perhaps not so much for preventing blobs but for having a stable temperature on the heater block when part cooling fan comes on.
You also have Nozzle X with its non stick coating, but that one can take a bit of getting used to since you have to print with higher temperature to get good prints, so might be easier to stick to a regular nozzle.

Also when you later assemble the heater block and related components, make sure you follow the instructions carefully so you don't get leaks between heater block and heat break or nozzle (i have made that mistake)

Posted : 07/04/2020 7:48 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Hotend is molten how to prevent this for the next time.

Thank you, I will give the tipp with the heatgun a try but I already broke the heating element and the sensor so the only thing left will be the nozzle.

I watched the first 2 layers but I guess your where right because on the heated bed there where no filament.

i ordered the parts and I will see if I can get it back together on the weekend if they arrive until then.

The cooling thing on the bottom is only slitty damaged and I will try to reuse it. 

If not I ordered ASA filament from pursa so I can reprint it.


Posted : 07/04/2020 8:55 am