FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I've spent a lot of time diagnosing and preventing PEI print surface contamination over the last year. The biggest trick is to keep the ol' greasy mitts off the surface. To aid in this, I've used a couple of printed part removal wedges that have worked well. They're good, but not being particularly sharp, have a tendency to pop skirts and prime lines off across the room. I decided to try a plastic razor scraper off Amazon and wow... This thing really simplifies removing parts, prime lines and skirts without them flying away. The blades are sharp enough to easily lift parts, but not as sharp as actual razors, so I'm less likely to bleed out during a mishap.
I thought I'd pass along the tip for those fighting the good fight against bed contamination.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I posted about something like this ages ago, yes I couldn't agree more, just do a search for plastic razor blade and you will find something similar.
Prusa should include one of these in their kits in my opinion.
Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
That looks handy. I've been using a Cricut Scraper with success.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I think it was Chocki's post that I followed and now have a box of plastic razor blade. Not quite the cats meow - stll doesn't get under a part unless the sheet's been flexed, but they work better than my car door panel spudgers.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I use a small chef's knife. Hold it at the correct angle and it easily peels off even squished on single layers. Doesn't scratch my textured PEI plates. Not so great for phenolic plates, though.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I posted about something like this ages ago, yes I couldn't agree more, just do a search for plastic razor blade and you will find something similar.
Yours matches the Prusa colors more! Wish I'd seen that one.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
If you get it from Amazon, check the other offers.
I went with the same color, two scrapers, and 100 blades - for a buck more.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I've been using an old hotel key card. Maybe if I sharpen an edge it'll stop bouncing parts around.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I have been using these for a few months and love them. They remove the print with no damage to the bed.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I've been using a pizza cutter, plastic of course. Works like a charm.
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
This works well if you happen to have a 3d printer handy:
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
I've spent a lot of time diagnosing and preventing PEI print surface contamination over the last year. The biggest trick is to keep the ol' greasy mitts off the surface. To aid in this, I've used a couple of printed part removal wedges that have worked well. They're good, but not being particularly sharp, have a tendency to pop skirts and prime lines off across the room. I decided to try a plastic razor scraper off Amazon and wow... This thing really simplifies removing parts, prime lines and skirts without them flying away. The blades are sharp enough to easily lift parts, but not as sharp as actual razors, so I'm less likely to bleed out during a mishap.
I thought I'd pass along the tip for those fighting the good fight against bed contamination.
I bought this and 100 blades. Thanks for sharing this. I now have 6 handles so hopefully, I will not keep misplacing them.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
This works well if you happen to have a 3d printer handy:
Preposterous, who has one of those around here??!?
RE: FYI: Simple tool for lifting prints
This is my preferred tool for removing PETG prints from PEI. Easy to slip under corners and lift parts off the build plate.
Works well with Prusa SL1 build plate too.
Found on eBay, Amazon and shops with art painting tools.
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