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Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)  

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Michael K.
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC1)

On 3.4.0 RC1 and 3.4.0 RC2, Z axis movements are very slow (tried both Octoprint control and adjusting the position with a long press on the button). A Z-home will slowly raise the Z axis, slowly lower it, wait for a while and then home on Z 0.15. The Octopi log is:

Send: G91
Recv: ok
Send: G28 Z0
Send: G90
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Printer seems to support the busy protocol, adjusting timeouts and setting busy interval accordingly
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: echo:busy: processing
... repeated several times...
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x01)
Recv: 0 step=29 mscnt= 478
Recv: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x01
Recv: tmc2130_home_enter(axes_mask=0x02)
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: 0 step=34 mscnt= 545
Recv: tmc2130_home_exit tmc2130_sg_homing_axes_mask=0x02
Recv: echo:busy: processing
Recv: ok
Recv: ok
Send: M113 S2
Recv: ok
Send: M105
Recv: ok T:28.7 /0.0 B:28.9 /0.0 T0:28.7 /0.0 @:0 B@:0 P:31.7 A:34.4
Send: M105

After going back to 3.3.1, speed is normal for both directions, no problems.

Does this happen for anyone else ? worth opening a bug in Github ?

Same for me. Additionally I get a hotend thermal runaway issue when I run PID tuning from octoprint terminal with M303 E0 S220 C8. I get no error when I do PID tuning from the printer menu.

Publié : 02/09/2018 11:39 am
Estimable Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC1)

I already posted that on Github, but I'll do here as well:

Since the sensor is not reliable across all filaments (shiny, transparent), I would propose to add third option to the Filament Sensor: On, Off and Load (example name of the new option). This would disable the filament sensor when printing and enable it when not printing. Filament Autoload is useful feature, but it's annoying to either have autoload enabled and having fake alerts during printing, or No alerts furing printing and Autoload off.

Simply, just let us to use the sensor Autoload only. In current state it's causing more problems than it serves it's purpose. This will not affect users who want to have the sensor in use while printing and it will make us (who don't want to have it turned on because it slows down print by pausing the print because of fake filament sensor trigger) to use it for filament loading for example.

It's a simple mod, just an idea how to make the filament sensor more useful even with filaments where it's not supposed to work reliably. Sensor can detect even the transparent filament during autoload. Not that much during print.

second thing that might be useful is to be able to disable filament sensor during the print, or implement M406

Publié : 02/09/2018 7:27 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

Hi there,
new version of firmware 3.4.0-RC2 is out! See the first post for more.

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Publié : 04/09/2018 12:50 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

I noticed two weird things in RC2.

1. At seemingly random times (I am sure they are not), the extruder just seems to pause and take a beet before restarting his duties, THis is from an SD card for the record. It hasn't caused any problems, but it makes me think of him as a bit confused at times.
2. When the runout sensor is tripped, I unload filament and the reload (and yes, unfortunately, a false alarm), then I reload the filament and say "yes". The head goes back to where it was and parks. I go to the menu and hit resume and it then proceeds for the nearest exit, meaning it just heads for 0,0 at a really slow pace and the print is pretty much done at that point.

I did not see either of these behaviors in RC1 to my recollection, nor RC1.5 compiled by myself. My current resolution is to turn off the sensor and ignore the pauses, as I said they don't impact anything.

I am considering making a Finda probe and mounting it on the frame with a PTFE feed path. I have several Pinda V1s I have no use for :). For what its worth, I don't think its a bad idea, and would be plenty robust. Most likely involve some coding or changing out the options in the firmware I would suspect, as the camera code has gotten increasingly more complicated in the latest version 2 of the filament sensor.

Publié : 06/09/2018 9:15 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

1. At seemingly random times (I am sure they are not), the extruder just seems to pause and take a beet before restarting his duties, THis is from an SD card for the record. It hasn't caused any problems, but it makes me think of him as a bit confused at times.

I've noticed that my extruder has been pausing for a few seconds a few times during prints too. Running firmware 3.4.0-RC2 and printing from the SD card. Not sure what the pattern is.

Publié : 07/09/2018 3:10 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

1. At seemingly random times (I am sure they are not), the extruder just seems to pause and take a beet before restarting his duties, THis is from an SD card for the record. It hasn't caused any problems, but it makes me think of him as a bit confused at times.

I've noticed that my extruder has been pausing for a few seconds a few times during prints too. Running firmware 3.4.0-RC2 and printing from the SD card. Not sure what the pattern is.

if its happening during prining short or small layers its the feature from slic3r to pause to allow that layer to cool before placing another fresh layer. I noticed it too, then remembered this feature.

Publié : 09/09/2018 8:26 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

Both RCs are causing me to get an error about my filament sensor. "Filament sensor is not responding, please check connection." Rolling back to 3.3.1 fixes the issue.

Publié : 09/09/2018 9:58 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

Can you guys try something for me?

For me, in 3.4.0 RC2 the Mesh bed Leveling is ridiculously (<- as in something is wrong here) slow when in Stealth mode.

Publié : 12/09/2018 12:29 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

1. At seemingly random times (I am sure they are not), the extruder just seems to pause and take a beet before restarting his duties, THis is from an SD card for the record. It hasn't caused any problems, but it makes me think of him as a bit confused at times.

I've noticed that my extruder has been pausing for a few seconds a few times during prints too. Running firmware 3.4.0-RC2 and printing from the SD card. Not sure what the pattern is.

if its happening during prining short or small layers its the feature from slic3r to pause to allow that layer to cool before placing another fresh layer. I noticed it too, then remembered this feature.

Mine's happening during complex perimeters or extensive solid infill. Feels like a command buffer issue.
Publié : 12/09/2018 4:33 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Firmware 3.4.0 for Original Prusa i3 MK3 (currently RC2)

I've noticed that my extruder has been pausing for a few seconds a few times during prints too. Running firmware 3.4.0-RC2 and printing from the SD card. Not sure what the pattern is.

if its happening during prining short or small layers its the feature from slic3r to pause to allow that layer to cool before placing another fresh layer. I noticed it too, then remembered this feature.

Mine's happening during complex perimeters or extensive solid infill. Feels like a command buffer issue.

just flashed, Z is still broken is stealth mode

Publié : 13/09/2018 12:09 am
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